i recently got a nose job after many many years of hating my nose, and i cannot be more happy and excited!! im so pleased with the result so far, but i still have my taped bandage on and my eyes are a bit swollen and bruised, it does hurt whenever i turn my head suddenly or whenever my face skin moves fast, but overall i am fine.
i got my nose done during a college break, because i was aware of the heal time and surgery checkups, so my college took a 4 week break and i decided it was a good time to finally get it done, i booked and everything on the first week, and was able to get it done that same week, and it gave me 3 weeks to heal until they took my cast off, and in theory id be all good to have a new nose by the time college started up again.
after the 4 weeks pass, i get my cast taken off and currently i have a taped bandage on, and its been fine in college so far, ive had no issues. but suddenly my teacher starts making some snarky comments about me getting plastic surgery, by saying things like „embrace your natural beauty, and if you dont have it, then you should at least be smart, but you cant be neither“ „instead of wasting money on cosmetics, buy some study materials“ and ive told her that as much as i appreciate her advice, i had to do this for me to be comfortable in myself and i am super happy with it.
but recently there was a new mandatory dodgeball game added to our lesson plan, she had added it, and it was not part of our course, and if we dont do it, she threatened to drop our grade.
ive explained to her that i could get really badly injured if the ball hits my face, and she just says „well you shouldve thought about that before getting your nose done“ and things like „well thats your fault then“.
i have told my mother about this, and shes reported the teacher to the people in charge, but they just send back saying they support my teachers decision and that if i dont participate in the matches then i will be dropped even lower or kicked off my course.
which is so weird, because my course is on graphic design and fashion, nothing to do with sport at all!!!
can she do this? or should i just drop out