The Student Room Group

Drunk for the first time- MADE A BIG MISTAKE- help needed!!!!

Hi there,

Well basically a week ago I was invited to a party for a girl in my year. The party was yesterday night and I ended up getting seriously drunk in total I had:

x3 Vodka and Orange
1/2 pint of Cider
1 pint of Guinness
1 Bacardi Breezer
1 Malibu and Coke
1 pint of Hoegardden

Basically I made a total tit out of myself and acted like a proper idiot. I embarassed my friend sooooo much but luckily she's forgiven me.

The problem is that I blurted that I was gay to this girl I barely no in my year and I am seriously sh*tt*n myself now cos if it gets around school, I am a dead man (My school is very homophobic).

Do you think that there is anyway out of the crappy situation I've got myself into :bawling: :bawling:

Thank you all.

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Reply 1
Umm learn from it and dont drink again until you're legal? Try talking to the girl you told, tell her you were either a) mucking about or b) tell her to keep schtum.
Walk through your school and hold a gay pride rally.


I'd try to talk to her and say you were drunk. That would be the best solution.
I'll even model the conversation for you.

'Hey remember what I said yesterday? I was drunk, Seriously'

That'd be the end.
Reply 3
Umm learn from it and dont drink again until you're legal?

Pfff, legal age is a joke anyway. What is it in England, 18 ?? Anyway, that's how you learn your limit, and nice one on being an ass in front of everyone.
If you don't feel that you are able to admit your sexuality yet- then just blame it on the booze or deny, deny deny! If she was drunk, chances are she might not even remember you saying it!

If you don't feel that you are able to admit your sexuality yet- then just blame it on the booze or deny, deny deny! If she was drunk, chances are she might not even remember you saying it!


But you know what they say: a drunken man's words are a sober man's thoughts.
You shouldn't have to hide your sexuality- as cheesy as this may sound- be proud of who you are.
Plus if your school is homophobic they are just a bunch of tw*ts then aren't they?
Reply 6
You shouldn't have to hide your sexuality- as cheesy as this may sound- be proud of who you are.

And having to explain everything because people have misconceptions about it, sounds like something to be proud of.
Reply 7
Thanx for your replies people.
I'm probably gonna use the booze as a scapegoat :biggrin: . But the girl is a serious gossip so I'll be surprised if she's kept it to herself by Monday.
Reply 8
Hi there,

Well basically a week ago I was invited to a party for a girl in my year. The party was yesterday night and I ended up getting seriously drunk in total I had:

x3 Vodka and Orange
1/2 pint of Cider
1 pint of Guinness
1 Bacardi Breezer
1 Malibu and Coke
1 pint of Hoegardden

Basically I made a total tit out of myself and acted like a proper idiot. I embarassed my friend sooooo much but luckily she's forgiven me.

The problem is that I blurted that I was gay to this girl I barely no in my year and I am seriously sh*tt*n myself now cos if it gets around school, I am a dead man (My school is very homophobic).

Do you think that there is anyway out of the crappy situation I've got myself into :bawling: :bawling:

Thank you all.

You should not have to hide ya sexuality in an ideal world.
If she mentions it I would fort u was cumin onto me so sed it. You will look bad but not gay x
When I am drunk I always tel blokes I a lesbian....purely as a turn on, not cos i am..n people can think what they like.
You will find out who ya real friends are x
Reply 9
But you know what they say: a drunken man's words are a sober man's thoughts.
You shouldn't have to hide your sexuality- as cheesy as this may sound- be proud of who you are.
Plus if your school is homophobic they are just a bunch of tw*ts then aren't they?

Believe me, in my school I'd definetly want to hide my sexuality cos as you say they're a bunch of tw*ts.

The thing is, the stuff I was doing when I was drunk would immediatly give the impression that I'm gay :frown:
Reply 10
I say you go for the option of telling the person you were talking S*** because you were drunk..or go up to them and be all, "So what did I say to you last night, I seriously can't remember" See what they say and just go "Omg, did I really say that! Jesus! I must of been well gone, as if I'm gay!" and just shrug it off, act like you were talking crap. Or, let things take their course and be proud.

x3 Vodka and Orange
1/2 pint of Cider
1 pint of Guinness
1 Bacardi Breezer
1 Malibu and Coke
1 pint of Hoegardden

why do people list out all they had to drink?
Reply 12
why do people list out all they had to drink?

Cos i felt like it :p: :p:

x3 Vodka and Orange
1/2 pint of Cider
1 Bacardi Breezer
1 Malibu and Coke

I'm not sure how you can expect our sympathy when you ruined a good couple of pints of Hoegaarden and Guinness like that.

On the other hand, when everyone finds out you're gay, you'll discover that the overwhelming majority of people just don't care at all.
Reply 14
Dr. Blazed
I'm not sure how you can expect our sympathy when you ruined a good couple of pints of Hoegaarden and Guinness like that.

MMMMmmmmm...... Hoegaarden, the only beer I like.
Reply 15
Being in a school with people with any form of prejudice is a pain in the ass, but trust me - you learn to live with it.

I was unfortunate enough to be in a school littered with chavs, my mum was not only a music teacher at the school but was MY music teacher and was a member of the senior management team (so she was one of the people charged with disciplining these chavs), I was your typical straight-A student and I had a couple of feminine mannerisms that would come through. I ALWAYS had to put up with crap when walking through the corridors of my school (walking down one corridor I could maybe have 3 or 4 groups of boys call me "gay boy", another group or two would make some comment like "I had your mum last night" and various other things like that)...but if any of them had the intelligence to get into university, I'd be very surprised.
Reply 16
Believe me, in my school I'd definetly want to hide my sexuality cos as you say they're a bunch of tw*ts.

The thing is, the stuff I was doing when I was drunk would immediatly give the impression that I'm gay :frown:
I dont blame you for wanting to hide it - I wouldnt have admitted to being Bi to anyone but my best friends at school.

i think blamin the drink is the best option - or just act like you have no recollection of saying it
Reply 17
go to this site
maybe you dont have to live your life in sin after all :penguin: :penguin:

Get a grip. How is that even the tiniest bit relevant? D+D is for this sort of homophobic biogtry, not H+R. The OP is clearly looking for advice not prejudice.
Reply 18
Teach you for mixing drinks.
if any one asks, @are you gay?' ..go 'yeah, im gay..........of course im not ****ing gay!' in a really sarcastic way...dont make it really long or intricate...overcomplicating replys is one way of giving away that your lying sure you want your pic on here?...for all you know pupils from your school could be brousing..its a very popular site.
