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I don't think it has. :s-smilie:

They're both just adjectives. If they're falsely applied, they're not insulting. If they're applied correctly, they're a statement of fact.
Reply 2
i dont think it is
Reply 3
Has it?:s-smilie:
Reply 4
be proud to be weird, i am :biggrin:. it's better than being mediocre...
Reply 5
I suppose it depends how it's used, although I wouldn't say it is
Reply 6
As has been said - it hasn't, has it? I wouldn't mind if someone called me weird: these days people tend to openly acknowledge it themselves.
Reply 7
It's because it means you're not accepted, and who doesn't want to be accepted?
I think some people say it in a way that connotes negativity... God i sound like a girl here, but it's 'not what you said, it's how you said it'. Can't believe i just said that...
i take being called weird as a massive compliment =]
I rele dont mind being called weird!

its almost a compliment to me, becasue it really wouldnt be me if i wasnt how strange as i am sometimes.

its great :biggrin:
Reply 11
I don't mean being called weird in a joking way. I mean most people are afraid to do things out of the ordinary in case people think they are weird. Most people behave exactly the same in public.
I love being called wierd, who wants to be normal. Its such a compliment.
I like being wierd :smile: Mainly because I don't want to be like most people because I don't like humanity. One of the prime reasons for this is because a large section of society only want to conform, to follow, to be a sheep, to be kept dumb and unquestioning and, man, I really hate that!
I would much rather be called wierd than unintelligent.

I would not want to be normal anyway... far to boring...
Reply 15
Weird =/= Interesting

Conforming isn't a bad thing. It's about relating to people easily and enjoying aspects of life as a group rather than an individual.

What's so great about being weird?
Reply 16
It depends on the context.
Reply 17
People are scared of things that aren't the same as what they are. The 'weird' people are often the most interesting, intelligent ones. I suppose you have to think differently to make a difference :smile:
weird is more of a compliment more than anything no matter who says it or how its said
Weird =/= Interesting

Conforming isn't a bad thing. It's about relating to people easily and enjoying aspects of life as a group rather than an individual.

What's so great about being weird?

What's so great about being normal? In my experience being considered completely normal generally involves hiding who you really, at least in part. I think that too many people don't do the things that they want to because they are afraid they will no longer fit in in their group of friends. Weird can be used to describe anything out of the norm, so whether it is good or bad entirely depends on the context. I would like being called weird for doing something I believe in, but not for something I feel ashamed of.