As someone who has extremely controlling parents, I'm not too sure what you can do with that since you're 19 years old. I know you obviously can't bring the "I'm an adult" card out, but in the past, to get past things that my parents would never let me do or wear or whatever it may be is to just do it. My parents didn't even let me out of the house to meet my friends unless they knew them and I went out for an hour or less, and it wasn't far away etc., ultimately I just went against it and did it anyway (multiple times) which pushed them to eventually become more lenient about it. Perhaps that's the same with things like could do a couple of things for yourself (dye your hair without asking him, wear clothes he might not like etc.) and the more he sees that you'll do it anyway and the fact that you're 19 could play a big role in him becoming more lenient towards those things...that's IF he does. This is only from my side and experience though, you should think about what you want to do carefully and maybe even think about moving out if you live with someone who is stopping you from living your own life.