The Student Room Group

iPad or Laptop for Medicine

I am starting med school in September and I can't decide whether to buy an iPad or Laptop. I am leaning towards an iPad as I can get a keyboard and use it practically like a laptop, but does it still feel the same? And anyone using an iPad; have you found it difficult to run certain applications? Any help would be appreciated!
(edited 1 year ago)
Original post by soph.lundsdale
I am starting med school in September and I can't decide whether to buy an iPad or Laptop. I am leaning towards an iPad as I can get a keyboard and use it practically like a laptop, but does it still feel the same? And anyone using an iPad; have you found it difficult to run certain applications? Any help would be appreciated!

Laptop, as I am currently using an ipad. The Microsoft suite is harder to use, as the apps are not as good as on windows. Although you can try to make the ipad feel like a laptop, it is not the same. But here is a second opinion:,-In%20general%2C%20an&text=Additionally%2C%20if%20you%20plan%20on,dorm%20room%20or%20the%20library.
Original post by BankaiGintoki
Laptop, as I am currently using an ipad. The Microsoft suite is harder to use, as the apps are not as good as on windows. Although you can try to make the ipad feel like a laptop, it is not the same. But here is a second opinion:,-In%20general%2C%20an&text=Additionally%2C%20if%20you%20plan%20on,dorm%20room%20or%20the%20library.

For your iPad do you use a keyboard? And are you a med student too?
Original post by soph.lundsdale
For your iPad do you use a keyboard? And are you a med student too?

Im a biochemistry student in september. Dont have a keyboard.
Original post by soph.lundsdale
I am starting med school in September and I can't decide whether to buy an iPad or Laptop. I am leaning towards an iPad as I can get a keyboard and use it practically like a laptop, but does it still feel the same? And anyone using an iPad; have you found it difficult to run certain applications? Any help would be appreciated!


I have both an iPad and a laptop. The combination is a luxury but is great however if I had to choose one, I'd go for a laptop:smile:

An iPad has very limited storage which has been a big issue when it comes to storing lots of documents or big apps like the anatomy apps
Original post by soph.lundsdale
I am starting med school in September and I can't decide whether to buy an iPad or Laptop. I am leaning towards an iPad as I can get a keyboard and use it practically like a laptop, but does it still feel the same? And anyone using an iPad; have you found it difficult to run certain applications? Any help would be appreciated!

Allot of people have both but tend to get a cheaper/second hand iPad
Original post by _Rusty_
I have both an iPad and a laptop. The combination is a luxury but is great however if I had to choose one, I'd go for a laptop:smile:
An iPad has very limited storage which has been a big issue when it comes to storing lots of documents or big apps like the anatomy apps

what iPad do you have if you don't mind me asking? i'm starting med school soon, and i'm in-between the iPad 10th gen and the iPad Air 5th gen...

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