The Student Room Group

No such thing as getting easy casual sex at uni

Honestly thought sex would be easy to get in uni halls but I'm so wrong the girls are ridiculous and they lead you on before jumping into bed with another guy I mean come on I'm decent looking with a personality and I go to socials and drinking parties, are girls always this picky? It's like they can just choose who to bed.
Reply 1
Maybe you go to parties wearing 'All I expect is sex' tattooed across your forehead?

'Yes' girls are picky and 'Yes' they can choose exactly who they wish to go to bed with and believe it or not that might not be you. Particularly if they have sussed how your mind IQ works. This can all happen in a very short space of time.

Anyone can choose whether consensual sex is an option but most under grads are astute enough to read body language and read the genuine interest you might take in them.

You say girls 'lead you on?' Do they talk to you? Perhaps you misinterpret every move or slightly flirtatious behaviour from a girl as meaning they want to go to bed with you (for sex)? Some young men go through a phase like this shortly after losing their virginity? Maybe you have rather a superficial view of the role of women in society generally? Some of the girls you have encountered might recognise that you view them as useful for one thing only and quickly walk away?

Anticipating bipedal forms of life queueing up to keep you sufficiently serviced might well be good for your ego. But it seems you are being quickly outed by being so overly focussed on your groin? Girls will sense this and run a mile even before you have said 'hello'
from the sounds of things, they're dodging a bullet
Original post by Muttly
Maybe you go to parties wearing 'All I expect is sex' tattooed across your forehead?

'Yes' girls are picky and 'Yes' they can choose exactly who they wish to go to bed with and believe it or not that might not be you. Particularly if they have sussed how your mind IQ works. This can all happen in a very short space of time.

Anyone can choose whether consensual sex is an option but most under grads are astute enough to read body language and read the genuine interest you might take in them.

You say girls 'lead you on?' Do they talk to you? Perhaps you misinterpret every move or slightly flirtatious behaviour from a girl as meaning they want to go to bed with you (for sex)? Some young men go through a phase like this shortly after losing their virginity? Maybe you have rather a superficial view of the role of women in society generally? Some of the girls you have encountered might recognise that you view them as useful for one thing only and quickly walk away?

Anticipating bipedal forms of life queueing up to keep you sufficiently serviced might well be good for your ego. But it seems you are being quickly outed by being so overly focussed on your groin? Girls will sense this and run a mile even before you have said 'hello'

There are so many languages in this world and man chose to speak FACTS.
I don't think this guy has ever been in a relationship. Also, probably didn't spend enough time making female friends at school.
Original post by Anonymous #1
Honestly thought sex would be easy to get in uni halls but I'm so wrong the girls are ridiculous and they lead you on before jumping into bed with another guy I mean come on I'm decent looking with a personality and I go to socials and drinking parties, are girls always this picky? It's like they can just choose who to bed.

The irony is that according to you, these girls are always "jumping into bed with another guy". Therefore they seem to be well up for casual sex.

Just. Not. With. You.
Original post by Anonymous #1
Honestly thought sex would be easy to get in uni halls but I'm so wrong the girls are ridiculous and they lead you on before jumping into bed with another guy I mean come on I'm decent looking with a personality and I go to socials and drinking parties, are girls always this picky? It's like they can just choose who to bed.

Boo f**king hoo! 😭😢😿

There are far worse things going on in the world, you know. What about all the homeless people? What about the millions dying over conflict? And there's you... moaning because you can't get your d**k damp

Didn't you post exactly the same thing a few months ago here?

Yes, it is like they can just choose who to bed... and it ain't you bruv.

You've got a right hand, and you've got the Internet... Improvise.
(edited 1 year ago)
Original post by Anonymous #3

how can you hate women so much, so still want to have sex with them?
Original post by Anonymous #4
how can you hate women so much, so still want to have sex with them?

SPS? 😆
Original post by Anonymous #1
Honestly thought sex would be easy to get in uni halls but I'm so wrong the girls are ridiculous and they lead you on before jumping into bed with another guy I mean come on I'm decent looking with a personality and I go to socials and drinking parties, are girls always this picky? It's like they can just choose who to bed.

'It's like they can just choose who to bed.' this has got to be a wind up right
Original post by Anonymous #3

this is so embarrassing😂
NB. Please report blatant misogyny rather than quoting it.
Original post by Muttly
Maybe you go to parties wearing 'All I expect is sex' tattooed across your forehead?

'Yes' girls are picky and 'Yes' they can choose exactly who they wish to go to bed with and believe it or not that might not be you. Particularly if they have sussed how your mind IQ works. This can all happen in a very short space of time.

Anyone can choose whether consensual sex is an option but most under grads are astute enough to read body language and read the genuine interest you might take in them.

You say girls 'lead you on?' Do they talk to you? Perhaps you misinterpret every move or slightly flirtatious behaviour from a girl as meaning they want to go to bed with you (for sex)? Some young men go through a phase like this shortly after losing their virginity? Maybe you have rather a superficial view of the role of women in society generally? Some of the girls you have encountered might recognise that you view them as useful for one thing only and quickly walk away?

Anticipating bipedal forms of life queueing up to keep you sufficiently serviced might well be good for your ego. But it seems you are being quickly outed by being so overly focussed on your groin? Girls will sense this and run a mile even before you have said 'hello'

Though I absolutely agree with this, it sends a very mixed signal to men in general when some women act in these 'picky' ways on the one hand, yet on the other will jump into bed with a guy she barely knows for a few hours after having just met him on a dating app for instance. I knew one like that, who did this a number of times until she actually got sexually assaulted by one of them and then went off-grid for a whole month. She told me nothing about any of it, probably because I warned her that what she was doing was risky. I only found out about this rather indirectly and unintentionally through another mutual friend. Ironically she once told me that she can recognise "what sort of man he is" just through his text messages. Clearly, she was wrong.

People need to think with their frontal lobes instead of their sex organs, and not just pretend like they do. That goes for both genders. Sure, I have the same problem occasionally, but I recognise it as a problem and try not to act like a creep when my genitals get the better of me. I might just go to the gym instead for instance.

Ideally you should want to feel attracted to someone both physically and 'spiritually' (I don't like hippie-speak, but I can't think of a better word) before sleeping with them. What I mean by that basically is their personality and values, and many younger people probably haven't even figured out yet what their values really are. I don't believe you can genuinely suss these things out in another person in just a few hours without taking big risks. Most of the women who think so think far too highly of themselves (like my earlier example). Very few can actually pull it off. If they were as smart as they think, far fewer women would be complaining about the men whom they allowed into their lives and divorcing them. I am friends with at most 2 women who actually are this smart, and maybe know another 1 or 2 whom I am not yet friends with but have seen around. That's not many. They tend to also be a little older (30+, although one of them is just 25). They too understand that it takes time to truly get to know someone, regardless of how emotionally intelligent they themselves are or how good they are at reading people in just a few hours. They aren't naïve or arrogant enough to take these kinds of life-changing risks.

Part of the reason why the dating scene is such a sh*theap, is because we used to rely in the past more on our parental figures to guide our dating choices. Nobody knows better how another man thinks, than another man. We are unsurprisingly far better at recognising our own demons than women are, so young women used to more often introduce their boyfriends to their fathers first before progressing with the relationship or having sex, etc. When done in the best interest of the woman involved (which I concede was not always the case), this actually worked better and avoided a lot of unnecessary emotional trauma. But we decided that was 'patriarchal' and 'controlling', and since we rarely do this anymore (and for other reasons too) things have devolved into what they are now, part of the problem which has been illustrated by the OP.
(edited 1 year ago)
You need to understand that women have alot of choices nowadays so if they aren't satisfied with one guy's look or personality, there are always options for them, this is what modern dating has become now. With so many options, we go from one person to the next without even the need to put effort or genuine feelings into things.
Original post by ageshallnot
SPS? 😆

what does that mean?
Reply 15
Hey look everyone is being a bit hard on you, and probably for the right reasons as you do seem to have a focus on the sex rather than any kind of connection of freindship first, which is probably where you are going completely wrong actually.
Sex is an act, for alot of people it doesnt last long, and can be done by both sex's without any emotion or true connecton often, however after a while it can make you feel hollow and shallow, with something missing if you act like this continously.
For both sex's it also becomes an obsession of getting attention and appreciation, rather than being a good person.
If i were you I would focus completely differently on what you want the outcome to be, look for someone who is kind and attractive and who might help you to become a better guy and grow, you might be surprised what happens.
Decent girls dont look for these short lived highs, they are deeper and look for maturity and inteliigence both mentally and emotionally. They look for classyness, and talent. Just becuase you may look good and go to drinking parties does not tick any of those boxes to my mind yet - however try being humble, listening to the ladies like they are the only person talking in a hall of hundreds, ask them about their dreams and ambitions, and also dont expect anything - you might not be their type believe it or not, and they might not want to shag you ..... See through the shallow, worthless chaos that social media has created (by Makr Zuckerberg btw who couldnt get a girl) and pick up a book, and read about women and how wonderful they are, and what their dreams are.
Then my freind you might.... and I mean might.... get your wish.

Or you might not 🙂

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