Hey look everyone is being a bit hard on you, and probably for the right reasons as you do seem to have a focus on the sex rather than any kind of connection of freindship first, which is probably where you are going completely wrong actually.
Sex is an act, for alot of people it doesnt last long, and can be done by both sex's without any emotion or true connecton often, however after a while it can make you feel hollow and shallow, with something missing if you act like this continously.
For both sex's it also becomes an obsession of getting attention and appreciation, rather than being a good person.
If i were you I would focus completely differently on what you want the outcome to be, look for someone who is kind and attractive and who might help you to become a better guy and grow, you might be surprised what happens.
Decent girls dont look for these short lived highs, they are deeper and look for maturity and inteliigence both mentally and emotionally. They look for classyness, and talent. Just becuase you may look good and go to drinking parties does not tick any of those boxes to my mind yet - however try being humble, listening to the ladies like they are the only person talking in a hall of hundreds, ask them about their dreams and ambitions, and also dont expect anything - you might not be their type believe it or not, and they might not want to shag you ..... See through the shallow, worthless chaos that social media has created (by Makr Zuckerberg btw who couldnt get a girl) and pick up a book, and read about women and how wonderful they are, and what their dreams are.
Then my freind you might.... and I mean might.... get your wish.
Or you might not 🙂