The Student Room Group

1 month before University Exams

I have coursework due by the end of this week (Friday 16th January). After it, I will have an exam on the 15th, 17th and 22nd of January 2024. I've been revising some stuff here and there but haven't caught up to the newer material due to coursework and bad time management. Do you think I have enough time given that there is only 3 exams, 1 of them being closed whilst the rest are open book. Most of the past papers haven't really changed since previous years so the questions will be quite similar but i won't risk it.
Reply 1
im sure you will be fine honestly you still have time dont stress and 2 are open book anyway
Hi there,

Yes you should be fine. I would advice drawing up a revision plan, setting out what units/modules you are going to cover each day, if you then stick to the plan you should be fine.

Best of luck 🙂

Malachy - University of Liverpool Student Rep
Original post by Anonymous #1
I have coursework due by the end of this week (Friday 16th January). After it, I will have an exam on the 15th, 17th and 22nd of January 2024. I've been revising some stuff here and there but haven't caught up to the newer material due to coursework and bad time management. Do you think I have enough time given that there is only 3 exams, 1 of them being closed whilst the rest are open book. Most of the past papers haven't really changed since previous years so the questions will be quite similar but i won't risk it.

Hi there

I think there is still a lot of time to catch up on any work you feel like you are not confident on. Since there are also closed book exams, do not stress too much. Organise your workload and time properly and I am sure you will be fine.

Good luck with your revision.
University of Kent Student Rep

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