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Would you leave your job because of colleagues?

It’s really unfortunate that the two girls I sit next to at work are just incredibly *****y and entitled. I’ve always been so nice to them, friendly and they always whisper and bicker to each other and exclude me which in ways I’m glad about because usually they’re gossiping but sometimes I would like to be “included” cos sometimes I feel I’m non existent .

For whatever reason they don’t like me or they don’t gravitate towards me. I came a bit later than them and they are 5 years old ( they’re 29-31) but they’re just not approachable at all and it’s starting to make my office life miserable. I constantly worry if I’ve done anything to upset them and I can’t take it anymore! There’s no guarantee that a different job would have nicer’ and ‘warmer’ people though!
You're right about them being 5 years old. That's their mental age.

The colleagues are one part of the jigsaw as to whether a job is worth continuing or not.
A big question is "What else?" What else could you be doing to earn a living? If it's something better go and do that. Never ever stay in a job because you feel obliged to be loyal to them. Or you're worried about what future prospective employers would think if you skipped jobs every 2 months.
Are you learning stuff that's useful to help you earn more money?
What's your supervisor like?
What about what you actually do for your work? Do you enjoy doing it? Or do you feel like a wage-slave battery hen?

As long as you stay in this job, treat it as a personal experiment in frame control. One where you try to maintain your frame that you're going to enjoy your work and your working day. With good amounts of positivity, enthusiasm, professionalism.
Don't get sucked into their negative frame.

I think you're right to not engage in gossip. It's a waste of time, mental energy and it's unprofessional and it's bad person-management.

Have you reported their behaviour to your supervisor yet? If not, please go ahead and have a confidential word with her. It's important that you talk to her about them before they talk to her about you. Be as open and honest as you like. It's fine to tell her that you're thinking of jacking the job in because of tweedle-dumb and tweedle-dumber.
With Office work it is pretty usual in my experience that there is at least one person who antagonises others. Unfortunately a lot of the time it seems it's just the way they are and again unfortunately you can't usually change the way people are, trying to can cause far more bother than it's worth. In the few offices I worked in where there wasn't anyone like that and it was bliss at some point one of those irritating people got introduced. Hence my running joke that, 'If there isn't anyone irritating there to start with your Employer will see that and introduce one for you' lol. As it often seems that way that if you aren't suffering at least one difficult person at work your Employer will see it as you having things too good and employ someone just to make your working like a misery lol.

Apart from a lot of Office work being unstable it's why I moved on from Office work. It's just too much of a pain in the arse working with those difficult people for the pay which is often low. I'm much better off now as I work mostly alone so anyone annoying that does crop up means I don't have to bear dealing with them too long. Some people at there worst I just find intolerable long term so better of avoiding jobs that risk landing you in that situation I feel as it risks job stability.
Reply 3
Maybe see if you can change role to work with some more engaging people. In truth there are usually some troublesome people in every workplace and you have to work around them. However if work as a whole is making you miserable it is indeed worth looking for other opportunities
Ye it’s tough being in a job where you don’t feel like you’re comfortable with your colleagues.

Tbh what you describe your colleagues as sounds like me
Yes, I have left jobs because of dreadful coworkers.
I'm not looking to make friends in the workplace and always aim to keep my private life completely separate from work.

The coworkers that usually give me the most cause for concern are the ones that behave so creepily in the workplace that they look unprofessional, are overfamiliar or try to get too involved with me outside of working hours/work premises.
The worst example of a coworker from hell that I was desperate to never work with again was a business owners nephew, a perverted weirdo into multiple weird kinks. Including perving on the toy animals in my car and pretending to be a baby in the office complete with nappy & bib.

Why do you want to be included by coworkers that bicker, are immature and nasty?
There are not worth any of your time or emotion, don't gift them any.
Focus on earning and learning as much as you can at work with as little disruption to your working day as possible.
Then have fun in your spare time with the close friends who share your lifestyle preferences.
Good luck!

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