The Student Room Group

How do I ask my parents to let me go to a gig with my friend?

I'm 16 (in year 11 not college if that matters). There's this band my friend and I both really like and they're playing in Manchester in April and we want to go but we live in Wigan so we'd be going on the train. Me and my friend are both okay with going on the train, the train journey is only like an hour and we know how to like get there and get back from there. But I'm worried my parent will say no because I've never been like far away from home without my parents before, the furthest I've been with friends is Wigan town centre and my mum dropped me off and picked me up, and also I've never actually been to a gig or concert before. I'm fine paying for my concert tickets and transport tickets because I have some money, and I've checked everything that it's fine going just me and my friend because we're 16, it's just the going to Manchester without any adult supervision I think they would be worried about. How do I make them trust me to let me go?
Original post by Anonymous #1
I'm 16 (in year 11 not college if that matters). There's this band my friend and I both really like and they're playing in Manchester in April and we want to go but we live in Wigan so we'd be going on the train. Me and my friend are both okay with going on the train, the train journey is only like an hour and we know how to like get there and get back from there. But I'm worried my parent will say no because I've never been like far away from home without my parents before, the furthest I've been with friends is Wigan town centre and my mum dropped me off and picked me up, and also I've never actually been to a gig or concert before. I'm fine paying for my concert tickets and transport tickets because I have some money, and I've checked everything that it's fine going just me and my friend because we're 16, it's just the going to Manchester without any adult supervision I think they would be worried about. How do I make them trust me to let me go?

honest to god, I have no clue, like none. Im 16 (as in yr 12) and I have never been out with my freinds, dont have a phone and I dont even have social media and stuff. So I'm definatly not your person, but other than that I could try help you lol cause I like to pretend I know how to live the outside life.

So maybe tell them, and be like I'm responsible and I'll ring you when we are nearly there, and I'll ring you when we are coming back. Maybe take a older freind/relitive with you like a cousin or sister/brother that isnt old enough to ruin the mood, but old enough to "supervise" you so your parents are satisfied. Yh, thats all tbh, idk much more than that.

Also maybe like revise, idk but try and win them over. be like super hardworking till april and then say that you need a break and it'd be a nice way to relax before seriously revising for GCSE'S. and stuff. I dont know just a guess tvh, im not experienced so maybe wait for someone elses reply too.

Lots of love tho and hope you go if you acc want to<3
feel free to reply to me or private message me if you dont want everyone seeing

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