The Student Room Group

Am i a red flag, am i the problem?

Background: 21 Female, last year of university
Been single for 4 years almost and never had a long term relationship.
Basically i lost my friendship group last year because i got into a disgreement with my flatmate which escalated itself despite me trying to resolve it, and got into the group. it never resolved itself, got blown out of proportion and i have since completely left the group because i was starting to feel very unhappy around them.
I basically have no friends now, im considering going on bumble friends to find some and join some clubs to find some. i dont expect to find besties for resties in the last few months of uni but i do miss socialising eventhough i am an introvert.
Looking back at what happened, i do feel i deffo couldve handled things differently but i feel backstabbed by my friends who just ignored it and swept it under the rug, leaving me to deal with someone who had no intentions of resolving it with me, just wanted to create drama.

I have no friends now, and im worried boys will see me as a red flag as i fell out with those people which wasnt entirely my fault, although i do accept some responsibility for it. Am i a red flag for other people i want to make friends with as well?
Original post by Anonymous
Background: 21 Female, last year of university
Been single for 4 years almost and never had a long term relationship.
Basically i lost my friendship group last year because i got into a disgreement with my flatmate which escalated itself despite me trying to resolve it, and got into the group. it never resolved itself, got blown out of proportion and i have since completely left the group because i was starting to feel very unhappy around them.
I basically have no friends now, im considering going on bumble friends to find some and join some clubs to find some. i dont expect to find besties for resties in the last few months of uni but i do miss socialising eventhough i am an introvert.
Looking back at what happened, i do feel i deffo couldve handled things differently but i feel backstabbed by my friends who just ignored it and swept it under the rug, leaving me to deal with someone who had no intentions of resolving it with me, just wanted to create drama.

I have no friends now, and im worried boys will see me as a red flag as i fell out with those people which wasnt entirely my fault, although i do accept some responsibility for it. Am i a red flag for other people i want to make friends with as well?

Why would you be describing this past situation to people in the future? Just don't talk about it. Move on.
Reply 2
You’re in the perfect position to make a new start. No red flag, first because these things happen and secondly because you don’t need to share anything unless you want to
Original post by threeportdrift
Why would you be describing this past situation to people in the future? Just don't talk about it. Move on.

Yeah but is this a me problem or not?
Your not the problem. More you think about it, more you will think your the problem. It's in the past, move on. Leave them behind, make new friends and be happy.

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