The Student Room Group

Sheffield accom

Does anyone know which accom is closest if someone were to be doing biomed?
Original post by Anonymous #1
Does anyone know which accom is closest if someone were to be doing biomed?


The closest accommodation to a majority of the university buildings is Allen Court, but the alternative accommodation that a majority of students stay in is Endcliffe and Ranmoor. I stayed in a building called Rivelin in my first year in Endcliffe, and I absolutely loved the experience. I was around a 20 minute walk from a majority of my University buildings, whereas Allen court is probably no more than a 5 minute walk from the main buildings on campus, the biomed buildings included.

Have you had a chance to visit any accommodation options yet? It may help you to decide which options you prefer based on more factors than the proximity to your buildings. I hope this helps!

Ellie (3rd year English Language and Linguistics student)
Original post by University of Sheffield Students

The closest accommodation to a majority of the university buildings is Allen Court, but the alternative accommodation that a majority of students stay in is Endcliffe and Ranmoor. I stayed in a building called Rivelin in my first year in Endcliffe, and I absolutely loved the experience. I was around a 20 minute walk from a majority of my University buildings, whereas Allen court is probably no more than a 5 minute walk from the main buildings on campus, the biomed buildings included.

Have you had a chance to visit any accommodation options yet? It may help you to decide which options you prefer based on more factors than the proximity to your buildings. I hope this helps!

Ellie (3rd year English Language and Linguistics student)

Hi, I just received an offer for Biomed at Sheffield and I was told Endcliffe and Ranmoor are the best options for accommodation…how true is that?
Original post by Anonymous #2
Hi, I just received an offer for Biomed at Sheffield and I was told Endcliffe and Ranmoor are the best options for accommodation…how true is that?

Most students stay in Endcliffe or Ranmoor accommodation in first year, although city accommodation is also very good, it has a reputation for being a bit less sociable (but this is a very broad generalisation). I know plenty of biomed students who stayed in Endcliffe in their first year. It is only a short walk from campus and sometimes it is kind of nice to separate work and social life by not living right next to lectures. Lots of freshers events are held at Endcliffe and Ranmoor and it is a bit of a hub of activity there in the evenings, so if that is something you are interested in, maybe that could be a better option. But it is all personal preference at the end of the day.
Evie (4th year medic at UoS)

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