The Student Room Group

About getting funds

Actually I am an International student.I had gotten admission in Ph.D Linguistics in England in Northumbria University os self funded because at that moment no studentship and fund was available but its was my need to study in a developed country.But now I am too much upset to pay my fee.Plz help and guide in paying my fee to get fund from any Funding institutions .Its humble request to help plz

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Hi there, We would advise to speak to your university for further guidance. Thanks, Angela
Original post by Angela SFE
Hi there, We would advise to speak to your university for further guidance. Thanks, Angela

I asked but they said at this time no fund is available.continue it on self base.
Original post by AsmaShaukat
I asked but they said at this time no fund is available.continue it on self base.

Hi Asma, if they've not instructed alternative routes and advised no other funding options then it would be a self fund basis. Thanks, Jason
Original post by SFE Jason
Hi Asma, if they've not instructed alternative routes and advised no other funding options then it would be a self fund basis. Thanks, Jason

Yes its on self base now.but plz help if any resource of fund for self bases students is available or any person who is eager to help students.
Original post by AsmaShaukat
Yes its on self base now.but plz help if any resource of fund for self bases students is available or any person who is eager to help students.

Just to confirm had you applied to us for the funding and had we advised you're ineligible for the funding? Thanks, Jason
Original post by SFE Jason
Just to confirm had you applied to us for the funding and had we advised you're ineligible for the funding? Thanks, Jason

No I didnt apply .I just sent this msg.I dont know how and where or on which link i had to apply.Can you share the link plz where I may apply.It will be a great help for me.
Original post by AsmaShaukat
No I didnt apply .I just sent this msg.I dont know how and where or on which link i had to apply.Can you share the link plz where I may apply.It will be a great help for me.

If you want to call us on 0300 100 0607 we can help determine your eligibility and assist with any questions you may have. Thanks, Jason
Ok Sir.
Sir I called on that number given by you but they said its wrong number.
Original post by SFE Jason
If you want to call us on 0300 100 0607 we can help determine your eligibility and assist with any questions you may have. Thanks, Jason

It would be highly appreciated if you can talk with me on call or through email plz
Original post by AsmaShaukat
Sir I called on that number given by you but they said its wrong number.

Sorry, who said it was the wrong number? The agent? Thanks, Jason
Original post by SFE Jason
Sorry, who said it was the wrong number? The agent? Thanks, Jason

Yes the person who received.He said i dont know about student room or funds etc.but He was the person one of my nation (Pakistani).He replied me politely.
Original post by AsmaShaukat
Yes the person who received.He said i dont know about student room or funds etc.but He was the person one of my nation (Pakistani).He replied me politely.

Thank you. That number is correct if you're wanting to check with us (Student Finance England) if you're eligible for a loan for your fees.

You don't need to mention The Student Room or university funding - that may be where the confusion lay (I'm sorry for that). But simply just ask to check if you're eligible from Student Finance England for a loan and we'll ask you some questions and further assist. If that's what you're looking to do?

I've also enclosed further information here: Thanks, Jason
Loan is something else I cant apply there.but I want to apply where may I get fund from any institute who are helping students providing finace fund etc.where May I apply or go through an interview etc.
Original post by AsmaShaukat
Loan is something else I cant apply there.but I want to apply where may I get fund from any institute who are helping students providing finace fund etc.where May I apply or go through an interview etc.

Sorry do you mean you haven't been offered a place yet at a university? If so, that's the university or UCAS you apply through and contact for interviews. It's not us who deal with this. This is there website here:

Thanks, Jason
Ohhh Dear Sir you didn't get my point or I am unable to make you understand I think.but anyway its ok.I dont want loan in fact.I need financial help from grants and charity etc.if you will find any institute like this.plz let me know.otherwise its ok Sir and pray for me plz just.
Great thanks for politeness,kindness and time you did spare for an individual.stay blessed always.
Original post by AsmaShaukat
Ohhh Dear Sir you didn't get my point or I am unable to make you understand I think.but anyway its ok.I dont want loan in fact.I need financial help from grants and charity etc.if you will find any institute like this.plz let me know.otherwise its ok Sir and pray for me plz just.

Hi Asma, Thank you for your response and sorry for any confusion earlier. If you're not looking for a loan from Student Finance England then I would advise checking with any charities or universities that may potentially have grants in place. It's not something we're able to assist with. This forum is for loans through Student Finance England for eligible students applying for funding with us directly. I hope this answers your question and sorry we're unable to further assist. Thanks, Jason
Yes right.thanks Sir

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