So I'm currently studying animation part time and am in the second year.
I also have a long term medical illness that makes me struggle with stuff and never really told my lecturers about it in the first year since I didn't want to feel like burden or make a fuss about it and so far I managed to scrape by and get passes. (Just Cs)
I get disability support and was given an LTSA by my advisor last year and not sure whether to just give it to my lecturer or personal tutor.
My lecturer who first came at my uni about 2-3 months ago is really nice but noticed I could do a lot better and wondered why it looks like I'm not really passionate in my work and doing it just for the sake of it.
I just vaguely said I things I'm dealing with things outside uni. She probably thinks I'm lazy and unmotivated or that I worry too much.
Don't get me wrong, I want to do this course but I feel like it's TMI if I tell her I'm dealing with a chronic illness that involves me going to hospital if it gets severe (it happens occasionally) and most of the time it gives me issues like getting confused, being mentally numb like a zombie, having frequent physical pain, migraines and being very tired, anxious and depressed etc
What do you think I should do?