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I need someone’s opinion - help!

Hi everyone!
I've been speaking to this lad since August and it went really well. He is the first boy l've ever liked and actually wanted a relationship with (I never wanted one before him). We are both from the same area but go unis in different cities (an hour on the train so not bad). He has stayed at my accommodation twice and l've stayed at his twice. When we met eachother we instantly hit it off like, we both said, it's so weird how we get on so so well. In November he said what would you do if I ask you to be my girlfriend like soon, and I was shocked but so happy that he thought of a future with me. We both went home from uni and we didn't see eachother much because I was working so much. He then started saying he wanted me to meet his mum on new years etc.
He rang me on new years and we spoke for ages and said about a relationship (didn't ask me out). The last time I saw him was early January and we went on a date and it was so good, I was adamant that he was going to ask me out then but he didn't. 4 weeks later I was confused on what was going on between us, so I messaged him and he said he was going to ask me out the last time I saw him but he was too nervous. Then he said he couldn't do a relationship but he 'really wanted it to be me?'. I was honestly devastated. Days after he started calling me the nicknames that he used to call me and saying stuff. We still said morning everyday. He pops up and messages me sometimes what he is doing like stuff and I think to myself, if you don't want a relationship with me, why are you telling me?
l asked him if he was speaking to other girls and he promised me he wasn't, and I genuinely believed him. But we were both home at the same time and we were in the same place but we never saw each other but he asked where I was and said more specifically?
The next day I got tinder because I had a feeling he was on it and there he was. I was so frustrated. So I said why to him etc and like idk it's ove?? But I really don't think it is. Because we spoke through the night and next morning messaged me morning?
Then this week just gone, messaging me more than usual.
Replying to my snapchat stories, then starting conversations later on. Replying to my snaps really quickly. The past few days we hadn't said morning because he's replied from my story or that I went to bed after him and he's snapped me and not said it, I would usually say it but I was like no I won't. So Friday we didn't speak in the day but in the evening he went out. But he messaged me saying what happened there.
Don't get me wrong at all, I love that he messages me, like love it so much because I really really want us to go back to how we were. But it still confuses me. Then we carried on a conversation and the next morning he messages morning with two kisses (which he hasn't done in weeks).
Then went out in the evening and snaps me back so so so quickly like as soon as I send, he sends one back and also sends videos of what he's doing.
I really need someone's opinion on what do you think he wants.
I like him a lot, and he's the first boy l've ever liked this much, he's all I think about but I can't let him go and I don't get what he doesn't want a relationship but in a way acts like this? And if he wanted us to just be friends he would have said and stop doing what we did. HELP!
If he is active on tinder he isnt taking you seriously and is using you as the backup. It might hurt but you should just cut him out

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