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HUMAT test Preparation?

Hey guys, I'm sitting the HUMAT on the 11th of Feb and I have no idea how to start preparing. I found a book called The ultimate HUMAT guide on amazon but it's sold out and the reviews aren't that good. I was told I should prep using the UKCAT or the IMAT but I still wanted to see what you guys are doing. THANK YOUUUU

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Reply 1
Im going to study using past HUMAT tests if anyone has any suggestions pls help!!
Original post by lexxxxx
Im going to study using past HUMAT tests if anyone has any suggestions pls help!!

But there aren't that many right. Cause it's a new test.
Reply 3
Original post by Davincipancakes
But there aren't that many right. Cause it's a new test.

yeah, im using the ones that humanitas posted on their website
Reply 4
I found the ukcat ' get into medical school book ' very very helpful for the test they have on their website
have you guys found any other papers to practice for HUMAT?
I found the ukcat ' get into medical school book ' very very helpful for the test they have on their website

did you use the ukcat practice tests also?
Does anyone know if we are allowed calculators? Or will they be on the screen like the UCAT exam?
Original post by Anonymous
Does anyone know if we are allowed calculators? Or will they be on the screen like the UCAT exam?

no you sadly can't have a calculator
what are you guys applying for
hey. not sure if it helps now since there is less time for preapring but I am practicing with BMAT section 1 and a little bit of section 2 in mathematics. I tried using th UKCAT but I realized that it's really different regarding problem solving, spatial recognition and calculations (they use calculator on the test) than HUMAT. I used UKCAT for the verbal reasoning trainingAlso IMAT in the General knowledge and thinking skills its really helpful and of course, the HUMAT Sample tests found online.Hope that helps, good luck all!
Did anyone do the exam today?
Yes, I did the exam. I didn’t even answer all the questions in section A. Section B I think I did ok...but I didn’t a answer all.
Same. I didn’t answer all either and left out a lot in Section A. Did you do the exam yesterday or today?
which did you guys think was the hardest question?
Original post by xMedic_lifex
Same. I didn’t answer all either and left out a lot in Section A. Did you do the exam yesterday or today?

I took the exam yesterday. I’m non-EU from the USA. Ugh... I was so frustrated. If you do not get in, will you do Medtec?
Reply 16
Original post by Shelly0318
I took the exam yesterday. I’m non-EU from the USA. Ugh... I was so frustrated. If you do not get in, will you do Medtec?

Im from canada and i did it too, i dont think they gave us enough info on how to prepare tbh..
Does anyone know when they might release the results?
Original post by Davincipancakes
Does anyone know when they might release the results?

On the 22nd. What country are you from?
(edited 4 years ago)
Original post by Shelly0318
On the 22nd. What country are you from?

Bro what that’s ages away! How do you know? Germany, you?

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