The Student Room Group

Trio friendship groups

At first I was the person always saying trio friendship groups always work. But then as the years go by I retract that statement big time. I just feel like there’s always two that are closer. And there’s nothing wrong with that because I’ve always been independent but during friend arguments here and there. It always seems like one them needs the other to make sure they are in the right in a argument and I find that soo weird. Because it’s no longer who’s right and who’s wrong it’s more being against me. I don’t think this happens in male friendship groups but in female friendship groups there always seem like there’s a hierarchy and I’ve never been the one to follow others and that makes them soo mad sometimes. It’s just getting weird.
Reply 1
Original post by Anonymous
At first I was the person always saying trio friendship groups always work. But then as the years go by I retract that statement big time. I just feel like there’s always two that are closer. And there’s nothing wrong with that because I’ve always been independent but during friend arguments here and there. It always seems like one them needs the other to make sure they are in the right in a argument and I find that soo weird. Because it’s no longer who’s right and who’s wrong it’s more being against me. I don’t think this happens in male friendship groups but in female friendship groups there always seem like there’s a hierarchy and I’ve never been the one to follow others and that makes them soo mad sometimes. It’s just getting weird.

I totally get you. I’ve been in a trio friend group for around 2 years after my previous friends group fell apart and left me and my best friend in as a pair. Then my best friend got close with a new girl so we were just an awkward little trio. It has got easier but I will just never be as close to the second girl as I am to my best friend. She’s super argumentative and always has to be right. My best friend agrees that she’s a problem but we are too conflict averse to do anything about it.
In conclusion, you are correct. Trios NEVER work :smile:
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I am a girl in a trio and I feel like they like each other more than me. Idk why but everytime bsf1 sees bsf2 she always runs towards her and tells her name whilst hugging her but she doesn’t do any of that with me which does not bother me a lot but I think it shows me where I stand. They are both so pretty and are so chill whilst I’m the weird ugly goofy friend. Our trio has been on for like 2 years now and I love them both too much to leave. Once bsf2 was feeling sad and icing people out and bsf1 kept on talking to her and including her which is amazing but they always leave me alone whenever I feel sad and ice people out. Later they say, omds u we’re so emo I complain to my neighbour all the time abt u which like okay?? Idk man I’m so sad at this point because I have just realised they like each other more and not me. They were filming TikTok’s with people in the toilet and never once asked me to join or even go with them whilst I waited for them. I always take the blame when there in trouble and I’m so tired and Ik people might be like leave but I have no one. I’m well liked but no one wants to be my friend.Can someone just help me pls and find a way to fix it or make me liked more so we’re all equal?? Ik I’m prolly overreacting but..
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Lemme tell u this I made this post a year ago and I’m no longer friends with them. Go where you are appreciated . When I was going through a hard time they iced me out and just didn’t care that I was going through stuff. You never realise friendship red flags until you’re out of it.You are not ugly just because your friends get more attention . Tell your friends how they’ve made you feel.Put yourself first.

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