ok. explaining these things is never brief, so I'll break it up into bullet points so it's easier to read.
context: there's a girl in my class (16) who I am interested in, and I'm not sure if it's mutual or not. I am 16 too. the desks are set out like this: |____| . the whiteboard is opposite the ____ line. the two | | rows of desks face each other. she is at the top left of the left | line, while I am at the right side of the ___ line.
Here is the chronological list of all that's happened!
• girl in my class who catches my eye after the first lesson.
•after a few days of having the lesson, we make eye contact for the first time. I look away immediately because I was just looking at her and feel like a weirdo for it.. lol
• 20 minutes or so later, I feel her looking at me. I check, and sure enough she is but I look down straight away.
• the next lesson, we exchange glances a bit more frequently. I can never hold them though, and tend to look away first because it would feel wrong to hold the gaze. at this point I feel that she is only looking at me because she feels me looking at her, and is checking to see if I am. that's not good.
• but, in the same lesson SHE holds the gaze and I do a bit too. she looks at me for longer than usual, but neither of us smile and I kick myself for not trying to
• lesson after this, we don't really look at eachother much at all despite my best efforts. it feels a bit hot and cold, like some lessons we will have good mini eye contacts and other lessons she doesn't really acknowledge me being there as much.
•one big turning point in my mind: a lesson where the task we are doing is fun and is as a class. when jokes are made, she looks at me smiling. I look back, also smiling, and she doesn't drop the smile or look away.i do though, and feel a bit uncomfortable so look away. I look back up a second later to see her still looking at me though, and she's still smiling. I hold the gaze for a bit longer and look down for a bit longer this time. I then think to look up one more time and she is still looking at me with a grin on her face. I think to talk to her after the lesson but she leaves fairly quickly and I don't want to be running after someone I've never spoken to before.
• the turning point feels like it was for nothing and is 'undone', because the next lesson it goes back to the phase of her not really taking much notice of me despite me trying to recreate that feeling from the last lesson.
that long list (sorry) brings me to now. It is still on the hot and cold phase, but in the most recent lesson I noticed she would keep her body facing towards me, even though it means she has to angle herself away from the board to do so. she also runs her fingers through her hair quite a lot in the lesson, but I don't want to be one of those guys who takes a basic human action the complete wrong way and thinks it's some super deep hint and I'm some egotistical prick who thinks it means something.. NO! but this is all coming from someone who is absolutely dreadful at taking hints and this kind of stuff in general. So, I guess my question is: is this a clear yes go talk to her chain of events?? or is it a no, don't get over your head kind of thing?