The Student Room Group

I'm scared I'll get no offers...

(edited 1 year ago)
You will be fine with those grades. I wouldn't be surprised if you get offers from all of them. Don't stress.
Reply 2
Original post by lewisrobb9
You will be fine with those grades. I wouldn't be surprised if you get offers from all of them. Don't stress.

aww ty <33 fingers crossed 🤞 are you also applying for computer science?
Original post by omgwha
aww ty <33 fingers crossed 🤞 are you also applying for computer science?

No I am already a student doing Aeronautical Engineering, I just came across your post looking for placement info.
Reply 4
Original post by lewisrobb9
No I am already a student doing Aeronautical Engineering, I just came across your post looking for placement info.

i see good luck with that it doesnt sound easy :smile:
Original post by omgwha
I've applied for comp sci bsc at bath, edinburgh, manchester, bristol and nottingham

my ACHIEVED a level grades are A*A*A* but my subjects are maths, chemistry and biology

This makes me very anxious as although none of the unis require comp-sci (which was not offered at my school) or further maths, I feel like due to computer science being very competitive (especially right now) I may not get any offers

It still hasn't been 14 days yet since i applied who would recommend that I change a uni or two to unis that are "less competitive" or have lower entry requirements?

(I was also put on hold for bristol and was wandering if this is a bad thing and if i should worry)

You have achieved grades, that's excellent! Don't worry about it. It's normal to be nervous about this but don't let them get to you :smile:
Original post by omgwha
I've applied for comp sci bsc at bath, edinburgh, manchester, bristol and nottingham

my ACHIEVED a level grades are A*A*A* but my subjects are maths, chemistry and biology

This makes me very anxious as although none of the unis require comp-sci (which was not offered at my school) or further maths, I feel like due to computer science being very competitive (especially right now) I may not get any offers

It still hasn't been 14 days yet since i applied who would recommend that I change a uni or two to unis that are "less competitive" or have lower entry requirements?

(I was also put on hold for bristol and was wandering if this is a bad thing and if i should worry)

it seems you have great grades, please don’t worry yourself about getting offers, you’ll get them! Try and relax and they will come 😊
Good luck!

LJMU Student Rep
Reply 7
Original post by Scotland Yard
You have achieved grades, that's excellent! Don't worry about it. It's normal to be nervous about this but don't let them get to you :smile:

thank youu :smile:
Reply 8
Original post by LJMUStudentReps
it seems you have great grades, please don’t worry yourself about getting offers, you’ll get them! Try and relax and they will come 😊
Good luck!

LJMU Student Rep

thanks :smile:
Firstly Computer Science is very competitive at the moment so it is quite likely you will get a long delay as everybody applying before the deadline has to be given equal consideration.

With your grades it is likely you will get offers and you have Maths A level which is the most preferred subject. Very few universities look for CS or FM for Computer Science so it wont affect you.

As far as Bristol is concerned this is something they do regularly. It is a holding letter telling you they have received your application and will look at it in due course.

Personally I think it is wise to have at least 1 choice that is not so competitive. I know Nottingham used to place stall on the Computing A level. I dont know if that has changed and I would look at replacing it with a slightly less competitive university in case of rejections although I do expect you will get several offers anyway.
Reply 10
Original post by swanseajack1
Firstly Computer Science is very competitive at the moment so it is quite likely you will get a long delay as everybody applying before the deadline has to be given equal consideration.

With your grades it is likely you will get offers and you have Maths A level which is the most preferred subject. Very few universities look for CS or FM for Computer Science so it wont affect you.

As far as Bristol is concerned this is something they do regularly. It is a holding letter telling you they have received your application and will look at it in due course.

Personally I think it is wise to have at least 1 choice that is not so competitive. I know Nottingham used to place stall on the Computing A level. I dont know if that has changed and I would look at replacing it with a slightly less competitive university in case of rejections although I do expect you will get several offers anyway.

thanks, what would you recommend instead of nottingham?
Original post by omgwha
I've applied for comp sci bsc at bath, edinburgh, manchester, bristol and nottingham

my ACHIEVED a level grades are A*A*A* but my subjects are maths, chemistry and biology

This makes me very anxious as although none of the unis require comp-sci (which was not offered at my school) or further maths, I feel like due to computer science being very competitive (especially right now) I may not get any offers

It still hasn't been 14 days yet since i applied who would recommend that I change a uni or two to unis that are "less competitive" or have lower entry requirements?

(I was also put on hold for bristol and was wandering if this is a bad thing and if i should worry)

Hi, those are amazing grades and give you a very high chance of getting offers from all those unis! Don't stress, wait till your offers come and don't change unis especially if you really want to go to them. Other things you can do in the meantime is call the unis you've chosen and ask about any queries you have as to what they're looking for and also perfect your personal statement to help you with receiving offers!

Hope this helps
UG Arabic & IR
How about Exeter. Not too far from Bristol or Cardiff.
You will be just fine. The most important thing is to keep 200% effort at learning new stuff from each subject in the day to day for a few more weeks and then keep at the revision from the 'old stuff' every day until exams are over. It all seems so mad doing both and feeling so worn out and brain fried. It is such early days for a rapid Uni response offer. Never let the 'not hearing' muddy your determination to excel. You will do ok and be ok - just use your time wisely and keep going. Some Uni's are notoriously late in responding and it can get to you. This is probably the worst time ever in your life for feeling so much pressure - so don't even think about the 'what if's' Devote all of your time to what you need to do today, and the next day, and the day after that. Take a day at a time and do the best you can. Use your time wisely while you are waiting. File the 'worry wait' in the 'done everything I practically can' drawer (and can't do any more) Keep revising.
Reply 14
Just got an offer from Edinburgh!!!!! 🥳
Original post by omgwha
Just got an offer from Edinburgh!!!!! 🥳
That's so impressive! Well done.
Reply 16
Original post by Coopkia
That's so impressive! Well done.

tyyyyyy <33 i was so happy it was my top choice
Original post by omgwha

what predicted grades did u get if u dont mind me asking

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