You will be just fine. The most important thing is to keep 200% effort at learning new stuff from each subject in the day to day for a few more weeks and then keep at the revision from the 'old stuff' every day until exams are over. It all seems so mad doing both and feeling so worn out and brain fried. It is such early days for a rapid Uni response offer. Never let the 'not hearing' muddy your determination to excel. You will do ok and be ok - just use your time wisely and keep going. Some Uni's are notoriously late in responding and it can get to you. This is probably the worst time ever in your life for feeling so much pressure - so don't even think about the 'what if's' Devote all of your time to what you need to do today, and the next day, and the day after that. Take a day at a time and do the best you can. Use your time wisely while you are waiting. File the 'worry wait' in the 'done everything I practically can' drawer (and can't do any more) Keep revising.