The Student Room Group

rejected by strathclyde

jsut got rejected by Strathclyde , which I was hoping to have as my insurance because it requires lower grades than the rest of my choices (york , queen Belfast, glasgow) which all require AAA. my predicted grades are AAA but I was wondering how the whole "firm choice and insurance choice " work when all my choices require the same grades. Helpppp
Find out why Strathclyde rejected you - email them and ask.
Reply 2
Original post by McGinger
Find out why Strathclyde rejected you - email them and ask.

I got rejected too, which is so strange I have AAA grade and thought my personal statement was banging.
(edited 1 year ago)
Reply 3
Original post by Luci95
I got rejected too, which is so strange I have AAA grade and thought my personal statement was banging.

I know it's so weird like I get not everyone can get in but I was really confident. I emailed them to understand why. im jsut so scared that if I cant get into strath I wont get in anywhere else
Reply 4
Original post by McGinger
Find out why Strathclyde rejected you - email them and ask.

just did ! very curious to know why
Lots of people firm and insure identical grade offers. It’ll give you a bit less wiggle room on results day, but either choice might have some flexibility to accept you if you miss the requirements.
As above.
You can start checking out clearing options later in the year, just in case you need something significantly lower than AAA
Scottish universities act differently to English ones. Because there are no fees for Scottish students they are stricter over admission numbers and you often need higher than their entry requirements to get in. Just because you are rejected from a Scottish university doesnt mean the same will apply to English ones.

In the unlikely event of getting 5 rejections you will be able to apply to another one through extra and ultimately clearing.
Reply 8
thank you everyone for your quick reply, im still quite bummed but I really hope that the other unis accept me.
Sorry to hear that 😕 Its law yeah? I don't have the threads to hand when I was reading past years law entry offers/threads on here quite a few people have been shocked by rejections from Strathclyde and what that means but have gone on to be accepted by Glasgow.
Hope it's the same for you but yeah don't think it's that unusual if you have a search. Good luck!
Edited to add, threads like this one
(edited 1 year ago)
Original post by spam44
jsut got rejected by Strathclyde , which I was hoping to have as my insurance because it requires lower grades than the rest of my choices (york , queen Belfast, glasgow) which all require AAA. my predicted grades are AAA but I was wondering how the whole "firm choice and insurance choice " work when all my choices require the same grades. Helpppp

I’m so sorry to hear that.
Reply 11
Original post by totallyfine
As above.
You can start checking out clearing options later in the year, just in case you need something significantly lower than AAA

would you mind explaining how it all works with clearing? I think understand most of it but idk how it would work in my case.Id really appreciate
Reply 12
Original post by MollieMcKezie
Sorry to hear that 😕 Its law yeah? I don't have the threads to hand when I was reading past years law entry offers/threads on here quite a few people have been shocked by rejections from Strathclyde and what that means but have gone on to be accepted by Glasgow.
Hope it's the same for you but yeah don't think it's that unusual if you have a search. Good luck!
Edited to add, threads like this one

really hope that its my case, i'm bummed that I didn't get in mainly because it just puts a lot of pressure since I dont have a lot of room for errors.
Original post by spam44
would you mind explaining how it all works with clearing? I think understand most of it but idk how it would work in my case.Id really appreciate

By May universities will have an idea on which courses will fill, based on the firm/insurances choices. So from July some will start advertising that these courses will be going into clearing. However, a definite picture of what is in clearing won't happen until results day.
So I think it is very likely that you will get offers from your 5 choices and be fine and not need this. but what you can begin to do after the A levels have finished, is start to watch what universities are publishing and do a bit of research into where you could go if it all goes wrong. Its like an unofficial insurance choice that you have up your sleeve.
If you have no place after results day, you will be invited to go into clearing and apply to a course you have the grades for.

If (absolute worst case) you end up with no offers then you can use Ucas extra before results day, Which is discussed here:

Another option would be to take a gap year and apply the next year with actual grades, putting you in a stronger position compared to others.

All of this is intended to help you see that it is never the end and you always have options. Your priority is to get the grades and anything that helps to avoid the stress of uni applications is good!
Reply 14
ok ok thank you so much I understand . hopefully I wont have to result to clearing or extra but its nice to know I still have options.
Original post by spam44
really hope that its my case, i'm bummed that I didn't get in mainly because it just puts a lot of pressure since I dont have a lot of room for errors.

Yep. I'm the same tbh hoping to have Strathclyde as my insurance and Glasgow as my firm. Only applied to those two and Edinburgh x

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