The Student Room Group


Hi, I’m currently at uni and haven’t made much friends and I am hoping to transfer to a uni closer to home however I will be living in halls even though it is close to home.
I stress about everything, and the stress of my life right now, has caused me to stop eating as much and losing my hair as well as I’ve had to come home from uni for two weeks due to my mental health declining.
I feel like ever since I’ve started uni and moved away, my life has completely switched upside down. I very rarely see my friends, my relationship with my family has gone distant and I just feel like everything is crashing down around me. Even this lad who I’ve been speaking to since July have gone distant and that’s broke me even more.
I don’t like change, like I don’t mind it but the more I think about it, it stresses me out.
Even though I’m hoping to transfer unis, I think to myself, if I transfer I have to start a course with new people like I’m imposing on them as I will be going into second year. Or if I get rejected, I’ll have to commute to uni but I’d rather live in as I feel like I’m too used to living on my own however I do get quite lonely when I’m on my own and the people who I was supposed to be living with next year, I think they already have a house.
I just feel like I’m so upset and stressed with everything. Yes I have things to look forward to but they barely distract me. More so they make me think of how **** my life is rn and I don’t know why.
I’m sorry I had to rant somewhere. No one knows how I truly feel. My mum thinks I’m so upset over this lad which I am, but it is genuinely everything. I just wish my life was different.

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