The Student Room Group

Current year assessment


We currently have an CYI assessment for our child.

My husband is due to retire and will receive a tax free pension lump sum.

Will this be added to our household income for the year?

On the CYI form it looks like it shouldn’t but would just like to double check.

Thanks for your help
Reply 1
Hi there,

If you have received a lump sum from an Occupational Pension, this will be included in the assessment as this has come from a taxable source. These payments are not taxable in themselves, however like redundancy payments, they are from a taxable source.

Thanks, Drew
Reply 2
Ok so which question number on the CYI form do we add this amount?

The pension income section says not to include tax free lump sums?
Reply 3
Hi there,

I am sure it asks about lump sums in section 4.

Thanks, Drew
Reply 4
On the form

Question 4.2.Taxable workplace pensions/occupational pensions
If you receive a lump sum pension, only declare the amount
you received that you paid tax on.

So does not include the tax free amount?
Reply 5
Hi there,

Yes you only declare the amount you received that you paid tax on.

Thanks, Drew
Reply 6
Sorry, now I’m confused.

Before you said it had to be added because it was from a taxable source

Does the tax free lump sum need to be on our CYI assessment form or not?
And which section of the form should i put it in?
Reply 7
Hi there,

It states on the Current Year Income form that you must declare the lump sum that you have paid tax on. If you did pay tax on it then you would not declare it.

Thanks, Drew
Reply 8
Thanks for your help,

Just to be clear then,

I do not need to add the tax-free lump sum to any section of the form?
Reply 9
Original post by dw1177
Thanks for your help,

Just to be clear then,

I do not need to add the tax-free lump sum to any section of the form?
Hi there,

No you do not include the tax free lump sum.

Thanks, Drew

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