I met him in October, but we'd talked for about a month before that. We met when we started uni. We saw each other a few times a week, and at the end of october, my best friend thought it would be for the best to tell him I liked him. All of us really drunk, I became so embarrassed I walked off. He (apparently) told her that he really liked me too, but didn't want to ruin things incase I didn't feel the same. Anyway, that night led to us being very close and cuddly, but no kisses. Since that night, we've not discussed any feelings for each other.. Just become closer. I can trust him with everything, he's the only boy I am comfortable with holding hands and falling asleep on and generally being super cuddly with.
We always joke around, and he's said he wants to marry me one day, for lots of silly jokey reasons. And I think its probably because of this, that he does stuff like.. The other night, we were at the beach together, and he wrote [his initials] + [my initials] in the sand.
The one thing we don't talk about, is any romantic involvement with anyone else. My uni life has been a little.. "spoilt" perhaps, because I'm not too interested in making any effort to meet boys "in that way" because I'm holding out on the fact he might feel something for me. He never tells me about any girls, and so I actually don't know if he has been with any at all since he's been at uni but hes a very good looking boy so... (He does tell me about his ex though etc).
I was just wondering if anyone could give me any advice. I've tried for the past 3 months to tell him how much I've fallen for him, but I fail everytime. I am so scared that if I told him how I felt,and he didnt feel the same, he might be a bit awkward and stop being so cuddly with me incase he thought it was giving me mixed signals. But, on the other hand, I hate that he doesn't know. What kind of thing can I do to help suggest it a bit more to him how much I'm in love with him!? Or to even watch out for to figure out his true feelings towards me? And, if that all fails, whats the best way to make myself un-fall for him!?
Sorry for the repetitiveness of this kind of thread. I needed to write it somewhere because its been there for so long and i have noone to talk to about it...