The Student Room Group

Maintenance Loan for Distance Learning

I failed my 2nd university year due to pregnancy (I was bedbound) and now I have a 6-month-old so I cannot go to uni in person (I am the only one who can look after my baby). My uni will not provide accommodations so I tried to find a uni course that would allow me to study at home. I found an online degree that I would have to start from year 1. I know I can apply for compelling personal reasons for an additional tuition year which I will do. However, I've been told you can only get a maintenance loan for a Distance Learning course if you have a disability that doesn't allow you to travel to university. I don't have a disability but I have a baby, I am the only carer, my family doesn't live anywhere near me to look after her plus the closest uni is an hour+ away. I live by myself and don't have a family home to 'go back to'. Is there any way I can do online uni but also get a maintenance loan due to my circumstances?
Original post by budzik
I failed my 2nd university year due to pregnancy (I was bedbound) and now I have a 6-month-old so I cannot go to uni in person (I am the only one who can look after my baby). My uni will not provide accommodations so I tried to find a uni course that would allow me to study at home. I found an online degree that I would have to start from year 1. I know I can apply for compelling personal reasons for an additional tuition year which I will do. However, I've been told you can only get a maintenance loan for a Distance Learning course if you have a disability that doesn't allow you to travel to university. I don't have a disability but I have a baby, I am the only carer, my family doesn't live anywhere near me to look after her plus the closest uni is an hour+ away. I live by myself and don't have a family home to 'go back to'. Is there any way I can do online uni but also get a maintenance loan due to my circumstances?

Hi there,

That rule is for part time distance learning courses only, if you are studying a distance learning course full time with a brick university, you should be eligible. If it is part time or with the OU, then you would be eligible for the Tuition Fee Loan only..

Thanks, Clare
Reply 2
Original post by SFE Clare
Hi there,

That rule is for part time distance learning courses only, if you are studying a distance learning course full time with a brick university, you should be eligible. If it is part time or with the OU, then you would be eligible for the Tuition Fee Loan only..

Thanks, Clare

Hi! Thanks for the reply, but I got this email from, SFE:

You also can’t get a Maintenance Loan because you’ve transferred to a
Full-time distance learning course. You can only be eligible for a
Maintenance Loan if you provide evidence to confirm you are distance
learning student due to disability.

I am so confused now, is this email wrong? If it helps this is the course: BA Education Studies from the University of East London.

Thank you!
Original post by budzik
Hi! Thanks for the reply, but I got this email from, SFE:

You also can’t get a Maintenance Loan because you’ve transferred to a
Full-time distance learning course. You can only be eligible for a
Maintenance Loan if you provide evidence to confirm you are distance
learning student due to disability.

I am so confused now, is this email wrong? If it helps this is the course: BA Education Studies from the University of East London.

Thank you!

Hi there,

Is it full time or part time? How many years is the course for?

Thanks, Clare
Reply 4
Original post by SFE Clare
Hi there,

Is it full time or part time? How many years is the course for?

Thanks, Clare

Full-time and three years
Original post by budzik
Full-time and three years

Hi there,

Thank you for letting me know. Unfortunately after checking our regulations, you are only eligible for the Tuition Fee Loan for the full time capped amount, the assessment is correct, no Maintenance Loan is available for that course type unless you are physically unable to a course in person due to your disability.

Thanks, Clare
Reply 6
So SFE Claire, as you got it wrong the first time, does this mean that the rules have changed? And if you are now correct, why does SFE think that students doing a FT distance course don't need to eat food, or all the other "living with parents" expenses except travel?
(edited 5 months ago)
Hi Dazie,

The rules have not changed, you can only be eligible for a maintenance loan on a distance learning course if you have a disability that prevents attendance at a physical university.

Original post by Calum SLC
Hi Dazie,
The rules have not changed, you can only be eligible for a maintenance loan on a distance learning course if you have a disability that prevents attendance at a physical university.

I want to go full time at an online university because I couldn’t go to a physical uni due to disability. Does the fact that the uni is all online anyway affect this ? Does it have to be a special arrangement with a brick and mortar uni?

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