The Student Room Group

Driving and lost about what to do

So I've been taking driving lessons for a long time now. And now I'm just tired of them and I don't know what to do as I'm taking way too long. Why am I like this? Is driving not for me? What should I do? Stop taking them?
If you think you could pass the driving test you should go for it.
Reply 2
Keep at it. It is a skill that requires time and patience to gain. Even experienced drivers find it stressful at times. It is valuable to be able to drive, even if you don’t do it so often
Reply 3
Original post by undefined
So I've been taking driving lessons for a long time now. And now I'm just tired of them and I don't know what to do as I'm taking way too long. Why am I like this? Is driving not for me? What should I do? Stop taking them?

EDIT: I completely forgot about this thread that I created. But I just wanted to edit it and update it. Thank you for replying and for the advice. I appreciate it. Thank you. I am also delighted to say that I have passed my driving test. Learning to drive is a skill that requires practice, so definitely keep going. Also, don't doubt yourself. You will have some lessons that will definitely not go the way you wanted, and they are the biggest learning lessons. The same happened to me, but when I felt ready and did my test, I was so happy to know that I passed. It does require practice, and that's the number one thing that helped me build my confidence as well. I was so afraid of the test, but the test is where we apply all our amazing driving skills- so if you are learning to drive or have a test, remember you got this, and you can do it.

Also, the last thing is not to compare yourself with others- that will just make things worse. We all are different, and we all learn differently, so comparing ourselves to someone is not going to make any positive impact unless you are learning something from that person, taking tips, etc. But comparing and saying, "Why I can't do it, why am I not good enough, etc" will make things worse. Always focus on yourself, and try to be a better version of yourself every day. I know it is easier said than done, but trust me, it's not impossible. Start focusing on yourself whenever you see yourself comparing to others. We all are unique, and we all can achieve our potential. Remember, we all have our own pace and time.
(edited 12 months ago)

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