Sometimes I feel left out in my friend group and sometimes I don't. There are five of us, lets call them A, B, C, D, E(me). So when we hang out AB are always in front of us and they are super close. I love that about them but A is a bit idk how to say it but obsessive? Like when B isn't in school, instead of just hanging out with CDE they just moan and complain about B not being in. When C wanted to go to prom, A shut down the conversation saying that its just not it but C can go alone. Another instance is when E(me) tried to say something to A because they were excited but A didn't even smile and just gave a nod. A gets along well with BCD but with E they are always quiet. Sometimes they join me in but sometimes they just focus entirely on B. E gets along with CD really well and they can relate. CD are really good friends because they let you talk and listen to what you have to say. Next year I have the choice to go to a different sixth form or stay where I am. What should I do?