The Student Room Group


Sometimes I feel left out in my friend group and sometimes I don't. There are five of us, lets call them A, B, C, D, E(me). So when we hang out AB are always in front of us and they are super close. I love that about them but A is a bit idk how to say it but obsessive? Like when B isn't in school, instead of just hanging out with CDE they just moan and complain about B not being in. When C wanted to go to prom, A shut down the conversation saying that its just not it but C can go alone. Another instance is when E(me) tried to say something to A because they were excited but A didn't even smile and just gave a nod. A gets along well with BCD but with E they are always quiet. Sometimes they join me in but sometimes they just focus entirely on B. E gets along with CD really well and they can relate. CD are really good friends because they let you talk and listen to what you have to say. Next year I have the choice to go to a different sixth form or stay where I am. What should I do?
Original post by Anonymous #1
Sometimes I feel left out in my friend group and sometimes I don't. There are five of us, lets call them A, B, C, D, E(me). So when we hang out AB are always in front of us and they are super close. I love that about them but A is a bit idk how to say it but obsessive? Like when B isn't in school, instead of just hanging out with CDE they just moan and complain about B not being in. When C wanted to go to prom, A shut down the conversation saying that its just not it but C can go alone. Another instance is when E(me) tried to say something to A because they were excited but A didn't even smile and just gave a nod. A gets along well with BCD but with E they are always quiet. Sometimes they join me in but sometimes they just focus entirely on B. E gets along with CD really well and they can relate. CD are really good friends because they let you talk and listen to what you have to say. Next year I have the choice to go to a different sixth form or stay where I am. What should I do?

I really hope this makes sense, i just didn't want to name anyone
i would say from what you've said that A is a bit toxic or at least not a good friend to you. i had a similar situation (im in y12 now!) with a girl who was starting to get mean and only after exams, in summer, i told her i was fed up w her behaviour and because we go to separate sixth forms that has made life easier lol! Id say try going to the same sixth form as C and D if possible - that being said, im still good friends with mates that went to other sixth forms, more so than the people at my sixth form! - so if you find that you go to a different one from C,D then you should be able to make mates just as well. might also be worth talking to C and D about your thoughts on A (and B?) - at the end of the day, you don't need additional stress on top of exams!
hope this is somewhat helpful and good luck! xx
Original post by Anonymous #1
Sometimes I feel left out in my friend group and sometimes I don't. There are five of us, lets call them A, B, C, D, E(me). So when we hang out AB are always in front of us and they are super close. I love that about them but A is a bit idk how to say it but obsessive? Like when B isn't in school, instead of just hanging out with CDE they just moan and complain about B not being in. When C wanted to go to prom, A shut down the conversation saying that its just not it but C can go alone. Another instance is when E(me) tried to say something to A because they were excited but A didn't even smile and just gave a nod. A gets along well with BCD but with E they are always quiet. Sometimes they join me in but sometimes they just focus entirely on B. E gets along with CD really well and they can relate. CD are really good friends because they let you talk and listen to what you have to say. Next year I have the choice to go to a different sixth form or stay where I am. What should I do?

Oh my god are you me??
This is literally the definition of what’s going on with me except I’m only in yr10
C and D are like rlly close and then A and B are really close but then A is really possessive of B and in the end even B is like how the hell am I best friends with this girlllll
BCD are all rlly close with me but then A is always so awkward to talk to.
Like I’m sat between A and B in Spanish and A literally ignores me when we have partner work and asks me if I can switch with b And whenever I sit next to her rather than b she goes noooooo
Like bro can just **** off at this point y u so rude for
And B and me have been friends since yr7 and then A just comes along like hey I own this person now it’s so ****ed up
And then say if I do well in an exam then she just acts like all annoyed and doesn’t even congratulate me and says I show off and then when she does better than me she goes shoving her paper in my face and bragging like why she such a sore loser for??
And then whenever I speak to b then she literally listen in on everything and she gets all mad when I’m basically doing anything with B, for example I sit next to her in a subject and then she get all mad at me but then she never gets mad at B like bro we both sat together it was both of our choices not just mine, I’m not forcing B to sit next to me it’s her own choice but then she’s only ever mad at me
She’s such a toxic friend and I can’t even drop her cuz we’re in a friend group and CD still like her
Sorry lol this was meant to be helping you not me ranting abt my life
Original post by Anonymous #2

Oh my god are you me??
This is literally the definition of what’s going on with me except I’m only in yr10
C and D are like rlly close and then A and B are really close but then A is really possessive of B and in the end even B is like how the hell am I best friends with this girlllll
BCD are all rlly close with me but then A is always so awkward to talk to.
Like I’m sat between A and B in Spanish and A literally ignores me when we have partner work and asks me if I can switch with b And whenever I sit next to her rather than b she goes noooooo
Like bro can just **** off at this point y u so rude for
And B and me have been friends since yr7 and then A just comes along like hey I own this person now it’s so ****ed up
And then say if I do well in an exam then she just acts like all annoyed and doesn’t even congratulate me and says I show off and then when she does better than me she goes shoving her paper in my face and bragging like why she such a sore loser for??
And then whenever I speak to b then she literally listen in on everything and she gets all mad when I’m basically doing anything with B, for example I sit next to her in a subject and then she get all mad at me but then she never gets mad at B like bro we both sat together it was both of our choices not just mine, I’m not forcing B to sit next to me it’s her own choice but then she’s only ever mad at me
She’s such a toxic friend and I can’t even drop her cuz we’re in a friend group and CD still like her
Sorry lol this was meant to be helping you not me ranting abt my life

Nahhhh cause I get this. It's exactly what's happening right now and it annoys me so much. Like I get that your having a bad day or something but why shove that energy onto others too??? I've just given up at this point like it's alright if she doesn't care I've got others who do care
Original post by Anonymous #1
Nahhhh cause I get this. It's exactly what's happening right now and it annoys me so much. Like I get that your having a bad day or something but why shove that energy onto others too??? I've just given up at this point like it's alright if she doesn't care I've got others who do care

Yeah but you’ll never guess what A did to me today
We were all sat in our form room at lunch and A was like “oh can someone walk with me to the reception cuz I got an appointment”
So I was like ok I come and then she looks at me with like some blank stare that she always does and then is like actually no I’ll go by myself so I’m like okkkkk
And then 5 minutes later she’s abt to go and she’s like saying C’s and another girls (let’s call her G cuz there’s a lot of stuff abt her) name in a whiny voice and telling them to come
Like bro I just offered to come with you why you acting so annoying for
And then this one time we got our test scores and she told EVERYONE literally and told them all to not tell me
So then today we got our bio scores back and she was complaining abt her grade so I said oh what did you get and she ignored me so I just said to myself nvm you’re not gonna tell me anyways
And then she snapped her head towards me and glared at me and I was just like whattt
Like bro what happened to ignoring me
Ok so now abt her and G
Like every INGLE time I do ANYTHING to her she goes and whispers it to G
Like I’m right there and I jus heard everything u said
And then she’s like oh she’s why I hate school
Bro I’m just minding my own business you’re the problem always stirring up drama of some sort
And one of my other mates who she knows I’m friends with, she literally talks bad abt her even tho she knows we’re mates
And that friend of mine caught her talking bad abt me to a girl who hates me
Like I’m sorry but it’s getting old she literally has a comment for everything
Original post by Anonymous #1
Nahhhh cause I get this. It's exactly what's happening right now and it annoys me so much. Like I get that your having a bad day or something but why shove that energy onto others too??? I've just given up at this point like it's alright if she doesn't care I've got others who do care

Ngl I’ve been trying to get advice on this since I realised she was like this and you’re the only person who I’ve been able to relate to
Like everyone else is just like, drop her or deal with it
Like bro it ain’t that easy
my advice: drop all of them and focus on school and getting into a good college
education is most important anyway
(edited 1 year ago)
Reply 8
if they are true friends ask them to help you out
definitely dont go to the same sixth form
i had a similar experience and anyway you cant call her part of your friendship group as she isnt your friend and she just barged herself in
also dont try hard for her like offer to go with her, she will just feel like you are begging to be her friend
good luck

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