The Student Room Group

Migrant worker application/ EU migrant worker

What do you need to be eligible for tuition and living costs for sfe.

I’m an Irish citizen working and studying in the uk since I moved in 2022. Applied as a migrant worker, sent evidence. But I’ve been made aware about an issue in my residence. I’ve lived in Republic of Ireland before moving to Uk. I’ve just been told my an advisor that ROI is not EU it’s counts as rest of the world. Only nothern Ireland counts as EU. I’m just really bummed out as my friend who’s in the same circumstance as me got full funding….

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Hi there,

I am sorry you have been misinformed. If you lived in the Republic of Ireland you will be classed as an EU student. Northern Ireland is apart of the UK and not classed as EU. You would need to have lived in the UK for 3 years prior to the 1st day of the 1st academic year of your course to apply as a home student. If you have not lived here for the 3 years you can apply as a Migrant Worker as long as before you moved to the UK you were living in the EU.

Thanks, Drew
(edited 1 year ago)
Reply 2
Original post by Drew SLC
Hi there,

I am sorry you have been misinformed. If you lived in the Republic of Ireland you will be classed as an EU student. Northern Ireland is apart of the UK and not classed as EU. You would need to have lived in the UK for 3 years prior to the 1st day of the 1st academic year of your course to apply as a home student. If you have not lived here for the 3 years you can apply as a Migrant Worker as long as before you moved to the UK you were living in the EU.

Thanks, Drew

Ok thanks for your reply. I did live in the EU before I moved to the Uk. So my residency shouldn’t be an issue as long as I was in the eu before moving to the uk and I’m working in the uk currently while studying and have provided evidence to prove that.
Reply 3
Original post by dobembe
Ok thanks for your reply. I did live in the EU before I moved to the Uk. So my residency shouldn’t be an issue as long as I was in the eu before moving to the uk and I’m working in the uk currently while studying and have provided evidence to prove that.

Do I need to contact the sfe Eu team or the migrant worker team to fix this issue
Hi there,

When did your course start and what evidence have you provided? Have we emailed you asking for any further evidence?

Thanks, Drew
Reply 5
Original post by Drew SLC
Hi there,

When did your course start and what evidence have you provided? Have we emailed you asking for any further evidence?

Thanks, Drew

Hi Drew, my course started in September 2022. I provided my last 3 months payslips, a copy of my contract of employment, which has my employment start date, contracted hours per week, hourly rate of pay and contract type. Sent my mother 21/22, 22/23 income and my pn1 form and Irish passport. No I haven’t been contacted for any further evidence.
Hi there,

It sounds like you have provided all the evidence that we would require to assess you as a Migrant Worker. When did you submit the evidence? Are you in your 2nd year and did you get finance for your 1st year? y

Thanks, Drew
Reply 7
Original post by Drew SLC
Hi there,

It sounds like you have provided all the evidence that we would require to assess you as a Migrant Worker. When did you submit the evidence? Are you in your 2nd year and did you get finance for your 1st year? y

Thanks, Drew

I submitted my evidence on 27th of November 2023. I’m in my second year at the moment. I only received a tuition loan as I was classed EU in my first year
Hi there,

Did you also submit a paper PN1 form?

Thanks, Drew
Reply 9
Original post by Drew SLC
Hi there,

Did you also submit a paper PN1 form?

Thanks, Drew

Yes I did submit a paper pn1
Hi there,

If you submitted an application back in November and have not received an update as of yet then I would need to advise you contact us. To access our live chat service select undergraduate and then ‘contact us’. From here you will be able to use our live chat service when it is available. Alternatively, you can contact us on 0300 100 0607 for further assistance. Our opening hours are stated on our ‘contact us’ page.

Thanks, Drew
Reply 11
Original post by Drew SLC
Hi there,
If you submitted an application back in November and have not received an update as of yet then I would need to advise you contact us. To access our live chat service select undergraduate and then ‘contact us’. From here you will be able to use our live chat service when it is available. Alternatively, you can contact us on 0300 100 0607 for further assistance. Our opening hours are stated on our ‘contact us’ page.
Thanks, Drew

Hello, had a major hiccup with sfe for the past couple months now. Contacted sfe months ago they said they need evidence that proves I was in the uk before the start of my course which is a criteria I need to meet. So I sent my tenancy agreement then was told by an advisor that the pre assessment found me eligible and now they’re just waiting for the migrant worker team to turn my online EU account to an home student account (which they never did). Called sfe several times as they always gave me a timescale but would never get an update after the timescale. Fast forward to today, was told by an advisor that I’m not eligible because I wasn’t in the Uk on the 31/12/20 and I don’t have a pre settled or settled status(I’m an Irish citizen). Let me give information about myself and the evidence I sent along with my PN1 form.

PN1 form
Irish passport
Mothers payslip (she works in Ireland)
Copy of contract of employment
3 months payslips
My tenancy agreement that shows I was in the uk on 01/09/22 ( my course started on 22/09/22)
My previous residence list (showing address from previous residence including my years in Ireland up till present day)

It’s so frustrating as I sent over my application since November 2023 and every time I call the advisors they’re telling me wrong information and they clearly don’t know what you need to have to be eligible for EU migrant worker. Also frustrating the migrant worker team doesn’t have an email address or phone number to contact instead of going through third parties.
Hi there,

We are unable to access accounts on the student room. The Migrant Worker Team are not customer facing however if you call between 10am and 2pm Monday to Friday and advisor may be able to contact them to check why you are not eligible.

Thanks, Drew
Reply 13
Original post by Drew SLC
Hi there,
We are unable to access accounts on the student room. The Migrant Worker Team are not customer facing however if you call between 10am and 2pm Monday to Friday and advisor may be able to contact them to check why you are not eligible.
Thanks, Drew

Will do but must you be resident in the UK by 31/12/2020 to be eligible for a EU migrant worker?
Hi there. This is not part of the residency requirements for Migrant Worker. As Drew has advised above It would be best to contact us directly to look into this. Thanks, Leah.
Reply 15
Original post by Leah SLC
Hi there. This is not part of the residency requirements for Migrant Worker. As Drew has advised above It would be best to contact us directly to look into this. Thanks, Leah.

Ok so I call this phone number - 0300 100 0607 and ask the advisor to speak to the migrant worker team about this and my application?
Hi there,

Yes that is correct.

Thanks, Drew
Reply 17
Original post by Drew SLC
Hi there,
Yes that is correct.
Thanks, Drew

Just called sfe and was told the same thing you need to be have lived in the Uk, EEAA, Gibraltar for 3 years before the start of your course…..
Hi there, yes you need 3 years residency in the UK/EEA for 3 years prior to the beginning of the course, not specifically be living in UK by 31/12/2020. Thanks, Leah.
Reply 19
Original post by Leah SLC
Hi there, yes you need 3 years residency in the UK/EEA for 3 years prior to the beginning of the course, not specifically be living in UK by 31/12/2020. Thanks, Leah.

Hi, I have more than 3 years residency in Republic of Ireland prior to the beginning of the course

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