The Student Room Group

How many of you have a part time job?

What do you do?
Original post by unaccountable-re
What do you do?

Trading assistant at local Sainsbury’s. Can’t find a computing job :/
Original post by unaccountable-re
What do you do?

When i was a student i worked at mcdonalds.
Reply 3
Original post by unaccountable-re
What do you do?
What about yourself 🤔🤔🤔

Worked full time in Tesco before going part-time when I went to university for my midwife degree.
Original post by Tracey_W
What about yourself 🤔🤔🤔

Worked full time in Tesco before going part-time when I went to university for my midwife degree.
I meant while at college or Uni and I help part time at a dog rescue
Original post by unaccountable-re
I meant while at college or Uni and I help part time at a dog rescue

I am currently in my second year at De Montfort University and I study Health and wellbeing in society. Currently I work part time as a Student Ambassador representing and supporting DMU and I have a few roles within this job. I would recommend speaking and enquiring about any student jobs at your university to your career's team (if you are a student) as these tend to be very flexible around your studies, a great chance to network and gain valuable work experience. As well as being a Student Ambassador, I am an Ambassador for my accommodation where I create social media content if reached out to. In addition, during the holidays when I go home I work seasonally as a sessional support worker for individuals who come under the SEND umbrella. Last year, I also worked as a temporary Christmas worker at Tesco which is the local supermarket near my campus - so there are options available as a student it is just finding the right job and opportunity.

It is great to hear that you have some experience already because as well as qualifications potential employers love to hear about any previous work experience. Whether this is relevant to the job you are applying for or not, it is all about the transferable skills - which can be applied anywhere.

I hope this helps,
Maddie, second year Health and wellbeing in society student at De Montfort University

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