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My New Flossophy - gyg - bio chem maths dentistry sanity

Aiming for my predicted grades of A*A*A in Biology, Chemistry and Maths.

GCSEs: 999999998
Y12 Mocks: AAB
Y13 Mocks A, A*B(hopefully balances to an A overall), B(1 mark off an A though☹️)
(edited 1 year ago)

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Original post by mynewflossophy
Aiming for my predicted grades of A*A*A in Biology, Chemistry and Maths.

GCSEs: 999999998
Y12 Mocks: AAB
Y13 Mocks A, rest pending

Good luck!
Welcome to Grow Your Grades! Sounds like you've got solid aims :smile: Are you intending to head off to uni?
Original post by flowersinmyhair
Good luck!

Thank you!
hello @mynewflossophy - welcome to the gyg family - your forum was in my related discussions so of course why not check it out?! following your thread now, and cannot wait to see what you are up to! :smile:

meanwhile, i have tagged in some of my gyg friends, who will also be happy to follow your thread and say hi :biggrin:! i've also left links for you to follow their own GYGs - they are so good and you should definitely check them out & say hi on their forums too! ❤️

-@MP_25: gyg <3 - The Student Room
-@ActiveEccentric : 1st Yr's road to a First at good RG, and start PhD, at 19, despite ADHD/ASD/BED - The Student Room
-@pineapple1865 : It’s bare minimum time! pineapple1865’s Q2 grind | GYG 2023/24 - The Student Room
- @flowersinmyhair: flowersinmyhair's Y13 adventure - The Student Room
- @erin11: year 13 study journal // gyg 2023-24 :smile: - The Student Room
- @rowan_willow: grow your grades 2023!!!! - The Student Room
- @kayleigh_t.27: Motivating myself - my GYG blog :smile: - The Student Room
- @thrivingfrog: CleverFrog? ThrivingFrog's A-Level Diary! - The Student Room
- @toothysmile: yr13 journal - The Student Room
- @Jieay20: Jieay's Year 13 GYG - Actuarial Science applicant (2023/2024) - The Student Room
-@oliviapope1 - oliviapope's attempt at getting herself together and smashing her a-levels! - The Student Room

i also have my own if you want to check out mine: emmanuella's y13 study diary: growing my grades - The Student Room

(there are a lot more other gyg forums that you can find here:
Welcome to Grow Your Grades! Sounds like you've got solid aims :smile: Are you intending to head off to uni?

Yes I'm aiming to study Dentistry
Original post by mynewflossophy
Yes I'm aiming to study Dentistry

sounds awesome :biggrin:
Original post by mynewflossophy
Aiming for my predicted grades of A*A*A in Biology, Chemistry and Maths.

GCSEs: 999999998
Y12 Mocks: AAB
Y13 Mocks A, rest pending

Heya! Welcome to the community 🙂 your predicted grades are AMAZING!! Can't wait to see what you get up to 🙂
Original post by kayleigh_t.27
Heya! Welcome to the community 🙂 your predicted grades are AMAZING!! Can't wait to see what you get up to 🙂

Thank you!!
Started back at revision today post-Christmas ☹️

Just made some flashcards from my recent mock papers.

Next task: Go through all my flashcards
Interview prep is going well.

Done a session on ethics with both of my mentors.
Independently researched inequalities in oral health in England.

Next sessions: interpreting graphs then mock MMIs
Next independent steps: continuation of research, thinking about why I want to go to the specific universities.
Original post by mynewflossophy
Interview prep is going well.

Done a session on ethics with both of my mentors.
Independently researched inequalities in oral health in England.

Next sessions: interpreting graphs then mock MMIs
Next independent steps: continuation of research, thinking about why I want to go to the specific universities.

good luck!!
Original post by mynewflossophy
Interview prep is going well.

Done a session on ethics with both of my mentors.
Independently researched inequalities in oral health in England.

Next sessions: interpreting graphs then mock MMIs
Next independent steps: continuation of research, thinking about why I want to go to the specific universities.

Good luck!! Sounds like it's all in your favour 🙂 And happy new year!
Big Update:

New Year, new me, new revision revolution that will probably last three days.

On New Year's Day I went to a party with a lot of guests from the local private school. Their clear disdain for people at their school who were there on academic scholarships but they assumed would not have been able to afford the fees otherwise made me realise how classist our society still is, even on a local level in a supposedly fairly deprived area, amongst friends.

This made me really annoyed because I was very close to going to this school for sixth form on a 100% academic scholarship due to my GCSE grades, and knowing my own friend and their friends would have thought of me in this way made me want to prove (somehow) that I can achieve just as highly as them, despite my state education.

This has been my main motivator for studying so far this year, as I hate being made to feel inferior by anyone (I already struggle with this from condescending boys at my school so I am getting quite sick of it).

My method which I've started this week has been to plan my revision to do during my frees at school at the start of the week. Therefore, I don't have to think about what I'm going to do because I've already planned. My planning takes the form of putting it in my Google calendar, attaching the files of exam questions I'm going to do and links to YouTube videos. This has made things so much easier already.

I have also started revising for my Chemistry AP now, instead of rushing the weekend before like I have done previously. Today I've found out I have a Biology AP near the end of the half term so I will start to plan my revision for that soon.

I'm also trying to interview prep for my in person MMI in less than two weeks but I'm finding it difficult since I don't have any dental students helping me out😭. I also need to focus on this a lot more now it's getting close.

All in all, I have a lot on my plate. I have my Grade 8 Singing exam coming up soon as well and I don't know how I will find the time to prepare well for everything. Any advice on time management and avoiding burnout would be greatly appreciated.

Tomorrow I might try to sort my morning routine since I'm quite bad for getting out of bed twenty minutes before I need to leave. Going to try to have lights out and electronics away around 11 since last night it was around 11:30 and I got up late in the morning😭.

Today in my free I started a massive exam pack on inheritance which I didn't finish so I am already in debt to my revision plan. This will probably have to be finished tomorrow morning. I also have chemistry homework I really don't want to forget to do.

To do tomorrow morning:

❌Inheritance exam questions
❌Pack bag for day - remember mechanics revision after school!
❌Eat breakfast

To do tomorrow:

❌Stick to revision timetable
✅Find space for mock interview
✅Turn up to mock interview on time
❌Revise ethics
✅Chemistry homework

Have a great day tomorrow if you're reading this :smile:

(edited 1 year ago)
Original post by mynewflossophy
Big Update:

New Year, new me, new revision revolution that will probably last three days.

On New Year's Day I went to a party with a lot of guests from the local private school. Their clear disdain for people at their school who were there on academic scholarships but they assumed would not have been able to afford the fees otherwise made me realise how classist our society still is, even on a local level in a supposedly fairly deprived area, amongst friends.

This made me really annoyed because I was very close to going to this school for sixth form on a 100% academic scholarship due to my GCSE grades, and knowing my own friend and their friends would have thought of me in this way made me want to prove (somehow) that I can achieve just as highly as them, despite my state education.

This has been my main motivator for studying so far this year, as I hate being made to feel inferior by anyone (I already struggle with this from condescending boys at my school so I am getting quite sick of it).

My method which I've started this week has been to plan my revision to do during my frees at school at the start of the week. Therefore, I don't have to think about what I'm going to do because I've already planned. My planning takes the form of putting it in my Google calendar, attaching the files of exam questions I'm going to do and links to YouTube videos. This has made things so much easier already.

I have also started revising for my Chemistry AP now, instead of rushing the weekend before like I have done previously. Today I've found out I have a Biology AP near the end of the half term so I will start to plan my revision for that soon.

I'm also trying to interview prep for my in person MMI in less than two weeks but I'm finding it difficult since I don't have any dental students helping me out😭. I also need to focus on this a lot more now it's getting close.

All in all, I have a lot on my plate. I have my Grade 8 Singing exam coming up soon as well and I don't know how I will find the time to prepare well for everything. Any advice on time management and avoiding burnout would be greatly appreciated.


I love your method of planning what you'll do in frees - I always struggle with having so much to do but not knowing what to do in my frees (and so I end up sitting and chatting... whoops!), so I think I might magpie your idea!
Original post by kayleigh_t.27
I love your method of planning what you'll do in frees - I always struggle with having so much to do but not knowing what to do in my frees (and so I end up sitting and chatting... whoops!), so I think I might magpie your idea!

Glad it's helpful! It's so easy to just chat isn't it😭 it's good in theory but I'm already behind because I forgot to account for a music lesson when planning it out so I've got some catch up to do tonight.

I just think it's helpful cos I don't have to make any decisions or find any resources, it's like a self taught lesson with everything prepared.
To do tonight 🌙 and tomorrow 🌅:

🌙Finish inheritance questions
🌙Mark inheritance questions
🌙Make flashcards from period 3 oxides questions
🌙Make flashcards from inheritance questions
Polymers exam pack
Mark polymers exam pack
Make polymers flashcards
Go through tiktok maths questions
Integration notes

It's going to be a slog. Yay!

(edited 1 year ago)
Today I did a group mock interview in preparation for my upcoming interview near the end of the month.

Feedback was pretty positive, apparently I know the Mental Capacity Act really well😭 but I need to be more confident in my response and my knowledge. It was great to reflect on my answers and listen to others' and give constructive feedback.

Tomorrow is pretty intense; driving lesson then straight after, a mock interview, chem, maths, free, chem intervention, chem lesson, chem intervention, then another mock interview. It's very fortunate that I really like chemistry and dentistry.

Let's hope I still manage some revision!

Original post by mynewflossophy
Glad it's helpful! It's so easy to just chat isn't it😭 it's good in theory but I'm already behind because I forgot to account for a music lesson when planning it out so I've got some catch up to do tonight.

I just think it's helpful cos I don't have to make any decisions or find any resources, it's like a self taught lesson with everything prepared.

Yes, it's definitely helped me out so much today!!

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