The Student Room Group

attractive girrls: have u ever dated an ''not-so-attractive'' guy?

I don't mean like a hideous, ugly guy but like someone who most girls wouldn't find attractive, a guy who is not "conventionally attractive" and doesn't have girls fawning over him.
Personally I think that the concept of attraction has been thrown around so much it's been corrupted. To me my boyfriend is the most handsome guy ever even though most girls don't like him (i.e. big ears, too skinny, etc.) beating yourself up over whether your boyfriend is 'attractive' or not only creates insecurities on both sides, or at least that's what I've realized anyway. Beauty really is in the eye of the beholder. I don't care what other people think of him because it's our relationship and other people's opinions are irrelevant (at least, physical attraction-wise). Good luck with this guy - I hope you have/had a good date!
Original post by Anonymous #1
I don't mean like a hideous, ugly guy but like someone who most girls wouldn't find attractive, a guy who is not "conventionally attractive" and doesn't have girls fawning over him.

Yes I have because I didn't wanna say no and hurt his feelings so yea x
Original post by Anonymous #2
Personally I think that the concept of attraction has been thrown around so much it's been corrupted. To me my boyfriend is the most handsome guy ever even though most girls don't like him (i.e. big ears, too skinny, etc.) beating yourself up over whether your boyfriend is 'attractive' or not only creates insecurities on both sides, or at least that's what I've realized anyway. Beauty really is in the eye of the beholder. I don't care what other people think of him because it's our relationship and other people's opinions are irrelevant (at least, physical attraction-wise). Good luck with this guy - I hope you have/had a good date!

Interesting that it has been interpreted as the OP being female or asking for a potential bf etc. I assume the OP IS the not-so-attractive guy lol.
Original post by Anonymous
I don't mean like a hideous, ugly guy but like someone who most girls wouldn't find attractive, a guy who is not "conventionally attractive" and doesn't have girls fawning over him.

yea i did and his personality weren't great either he kept whining abt me being prettier and how it was a miracle i chose him and we should never break up...! and i study too much and i should spend more time with him...! (we were 15 lmfao)
Original post by Anonymous
I don't mean like a hideous, ugly guy but like someone who most girls wouldn't find attractive, a guy who is not "conventionally attractive" and doesn't have girls fawning over him.

yes, and I would never do it again. The inferiority complex that my ex had was too much for me to handle, and it was a constant battle of reassuring him. don't complain t
Original post by Anonymous
yea i did and his personality weren't great either he kept whining abt me being prettier and how it was a miracle i chose him and we should never break up...! and i study too much and i should spend more time with him...! (we were 15 lmfao)

That’s about as accurate as it gets tbh, I’m not particularly attractive myself and I was being told that
No I always pull really attractive men they are 10/10s and everyone wants to be me
Reply 8
Attractive girls have a lot of choices and in my experience go for the most attractive guy in looks/personality that’s available - wouldn’t you. Some may be a bit less hung up about looks and a really great sense humour can count for a lot

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