The Student Room Group


I am struggling I had a best friend we were really close last year. We would play fight and had soo much fun. But this year someone new came to school and soon join the group. She was really nice but started to get closer to my best friend. My best friend and I's relationship started to drift away. Now I am worried I will lose her. now my best friend and my new friend will do everything together by pretending to be cousins. They will go up and walk and then invite me. They do school things together and sometimes I feel like I am tagging along. Am I being dramatic or overthinking everything? Am I being selfish? I just really need advice.
(edited 1 year ago)
I think it's normal to feel like your tagging along or even being left out, however if it is getting at this point too much, since they are your best friend you should really speak to them in privately. This happened to me, I actually think we kind of drifted away because it was my fault, I did not keep them in touch. So the number one rule is to always have time for them if you can. Secondly your best friend is only a friend if they make you feel included, you may just need to remind them to make time for you, but your friend should have you in as another alpha member of the team, no one should feel like their just hanging around, they all can speak up. Lastly this might only be temporary as they are building their friendship, the tides will die down and soon you will see each other being too familiar with one another so there won't be much changes and everyone is used to, friended with and happy as one another in the friend group.
My friends know that I am feeling left out. But I also don't want to start a fight by saying I am feeling left out.
(edited 1 year ago)
i feel for u but the best thing to do is make them jealous just like ina relationship. when they invite u to hang out if they do tell them no ur hanging with someone else if they ask who says someone from ur hometown or someone where completely random dont do this all the time cuz they they wont invite u but when u say yes and u start to feel left out just like go on ur phone and act busy or wtv. if this continues after all of this i would genuinely be upfront with them and tell them how i feel and if they dont at least hear u out then their not ur real friends and arent worth ur energy PS ITS EASIER SAID THAN DONE
Thanks i will try that
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(Original post by Rhiathebest)Thanks i will try that

rep me son
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Original post by Rhiathebest
Thanks i will try that

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Original post by Lucky67
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what do you do when it is your birthday tomorrow and you are going to have your best friend over but then another supposed befriend says that they are going to the mall together and then dropping off your present at your house together and are trying to make you feel jealous?

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