The Student Room Group


I just found out about a special/student support loan (thank you student room) after reading what little information there is about it, this is what I gathered.apologies quick back ground. 43 Years old mature student,staying at halls at qualification besides 2 G.C.S.E. im on universal credit LWRC and high rate mobilty due to a disabilty gained from motorbike crash, housing benift. Fulltime at kingston university doing business starting from foundation,staying at halls. I get maintance loan for student studying in london not living with parents. It doesn`t state anything about the extra student support loan and just got DSA. Am I eligble for it ? if so what do I need to do to apply .Does it effect my benifits ? if so what is my best option so I end up better of.
(edited 1 year ago)
Original post by Ksm34
I just found out about a special/student support loan (thank you student room) after reading what little information there is about it, this is what I gathered.apologies quick back ground. 43 Years old mature student,staying at halls at qualification besides 2 G.C.S.E. im on universal credit LWRC and high rate mobilty due to a disabilty gained from motorbike crash, housing benift. Fulltime at kingston university doing business starting from foundation,staying at halls. I get maintance loan for student studying in london not living with parents. It doesn`t state anything about the extra student support loan and just got DSA. Am I eligble for it ? if so what do I need to do to apply .Does it effect my benifits ? if so what is my best option so I end up better of.

Hi there,

This is the criteria for the Special Support Loan, do any of these apply to yourself?

"I’m a lone parent or lone foster parent with a child or young person under 20 who is in full-time education below higher education level or on an approved training course;

I have a partner who is also a student, and one or both of us are responsible for a child or young person under 20 who is in full-time education below higher education level or on an approved training course;

I have a disability and qualify for the Disability Premium or Severe Disability Premium;

I’m deaf and qualify for Disabled Students’ Allowance;

I have been treated as incapable of work for a continuous period of at least 28 weeks;

I have a disability and qualify for income-related Employment and Support Allowance;

I’m waiting to go back to a course having taken agreed time out from that course due to an illness or caring responsibility that has now ended;

I’m entitled to Personal Independence Payment (PIP);

I’m entitled to Disability Living Allowance (DLA);

I’m entitled to Armed Forces Independence Payment (AFIP)"

Thanks, Graeme

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