Medicine personal statements

Stuck with writing your personal statement? Use these example personal statements for inspiration!

This is the TSR Personal Statement Wiki library of medicine personal statements. It includes examples of lots of personal statements that candidates have actually used to apply to university, and may therefore be useful for applicants writing their personal statements. It is very daunting starting a personal statement, especially if you have never written a document like it before - these personal statements can be used for inspiration, or as an example of how to structure your personal statement. By reading through the various statements in this list, you should hopefully gain an understanding of the common themes present in personal statements and how to exploit this to your advantage when writing your own.

A word of warning

Not all of these personal statements are exemplars - they are not perfect. This is a cross-section of personal statements submitted over many years, and they are not necessarily personal statements that have achieved offers. You also need to understand that personal statements that have achieved offers are not automatically perfect.

For more general advice on your medicine application, see a community discussion on the best getting into medical school books and medicine textbook recommendations.

A note on plagiarism

It should go without saying, but do not plagiarise any of these statements. UCAS has a very sophisticated plagiarism checker which will check your submitted statement against these and other personal statements, and any discrepancies may be used against you. In the worst case scenario, it may lead to UCAS contacting the universities you have applied to and the forced withdrawal of your application to study your particular subject. Do not risk it. These are to look at and to be inspired by, not to copy.

All wiki articles on: Medicine Personal Statements

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